Well, hot-diggity! What a topic! This is exciting 'cause, well, I'm a composer. I see someone used a Two Steps From Hell song to describe themself. You, my lady, have my utmost respect. *bows* Now, for a theme song. I'm a composer, as stated, more specifically a film/trailer/game music composer. I love creating musical themes for the heck of it, and hear music in my head often that fits the mood of whatever is going on at the time. It has taken me 10 years to do this, but here is my theme song. I composed it myself. [url=http://soundcloud.com/epikmyuzik/allegory]My Theme Song[/url] Composed digitally in Steinberg Cubase 5 using EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Platinum, and several plugins for Kontakt 5. Enjoy. ^_^