[quote=@Er0r] [hider=a harmless young maiden][CENTER][color=ff0080][APPEARANCE][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RJWJF14.jpg[/img][/CENTER][hr][b][color=ff0080][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Mercy Mable[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][GENDER][/color][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][BIO/SUMMARY][/color][/b] [indent]Mercy is an odd little girl. She cares not for the judgmental eyes of others. Rather she's giddy for the audience. Throwing passion into her words and actions on a whim, as she drifts through the mundane progression of life. She doesn't think life is worthless, rather a temporary state thats only useful to others when its over. Still, she makes the best of her time as she sees fit and will follow orders with out question, but expects others to do the same.[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][VESSEL][/color][/b] [indent][color=ff0080]Thánatos[/color] - Mercy's vessel, Thánatos, takes the form of a long black ribbon wrapped around her left leg while dormant. It is silky smooth to the touch; though, really, what you be doing touching a young maiden's legs? ಠ_ಠ Once active, it takes the form similar to that of a small curved dagger, similar to a jambiya. It isn't built well for fighting, though the blade never tarnishes. Instead, it focuses Mercy's abilities and allows for easier activation.[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][ABILITIES][/color][/b] [indent][color=ff0080]Second Life[/color] - By stabbing a deceased body with her activated Thanatos, Mercy is able to siphon off a bit of her soul into it and reanimate it temporarily. This tires Mercy until the soul is freed from the body, either from destruction or natural decay (which usually happens after 24 hours). Two corpses appear to be the max Mercy can handle at one time, though her ability to move and think are hindered to the point of not being able to act beyond a basic level. [color=ff0080]Gift from the Underworld[/color] - Mercy is able to summon forth a skeleton and soul from the underworld by feeding Thanatos a bit of her blood. The skeleton is a simple construct, but fights expertly and without emotion. The soul lives as long as the skeleton remains intact, though cannot interact with the physical. It can, however, communicate freely with Mercy and provide utilitarian support.[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][EQUIPMENT][/color][/b] [indent]Cat Ear head piece, [u][i]Unabashed Maiden, An[/i][/u][/indent] [b][color=ff0080][OTHERS][/color][/b] [indent]Trivia/Other: Anything that the above sections may not have covered. This section is optional, you don't have to include it if there's nothing else you want to add.[/indent][/hider] Sorry for the delay on getting this over. I changed her attitude and abilities. [/quote] She seems alright now. You can move her to the CS tab.