[center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] [center][@LuckyBlackCat][/center] Luna giggled at the little Jangmo-o, she must've thought she was born to battle or something to that effect. [color=fff200]"I'm Cici, and... well, I guess I've introduced Kymbalon,"[/color] she chuckled. [color=fff200]"My Hoothoot is Tactus, and my Litleo is Breig."[/color] Cici was obviously a more skilled trainer than Luna, she had three pokemon as far as Luna knew, one more (technically two more) than Luna. [color=fff200]"Eclipse? A Deino, right?"[/color] Cici seemed to be fascinated by Eclipse, just like how Luna was fascinated by Kymbalon. Eclipse happily smiled at Cici and jumped out of Luna's arms. He wandered up to Kymbalon and offered a friendly smile. [color=fff200]"So, what brings you here?"[/color] Luna tilted her head at Cici's question and thought for a moment. [color=a187be]"Well... I wanted to experience more of the world... To become a great trainer and a great breeder..."[/color] [hider=Luna]TP: +1+1(6) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse), Male, Lv6(not officially caught) Flabebe(Rose), Female, Lv1 Inventory: N/A Rank: Beginner Organization: N/A[/hider]