[@Aquanthe] If only. [@Zelosse] How's this look? [Hider=Yeagnasae] Name: Yeagnasae Stargazer. (Her real name is Monica White, but prefers her Yeagnasae) Age: 32 Element: Blood Appearance:[img]http://i.imgur.com/cVnpd70.png[/img] Personality: A helper, who puts others before herself, almost to a fault. She's got quite the intellect, but you wouldn't guess that at first glance. History: Growing up in a rural nameless town in basically the middle of nowhere, growing up, Yeagnasae wasn't very special. But, behind her back, her parents had been planning for greatness. Not in terms of experimentation, but in sending her off to discover her calling. As it turns out, Yeagnasae had an affinity to Blood magic, and studied it for years. How convenient. Yet before that, Yeagnasae was going to be a doctor of all things. She was fascinated by the human body and it's functions. And her inate blood magic only increased her curiosity. After earning her Ph.D. she began to study blood magic for a few years. Eventually getting a teaching job, she egan to spread her knowledge to children hoping to forward their lives for [s]hopefully[/s] the better. Equipment: She doesn't carry a gun on her or anything. Her main offense is her blood magic, although she knows how to use a kitchen knife pretty well. Class taught: The healing arts [/Hider]