[@JBRam2002] I should give a more thorough explanation of Cesar's backstory to explain his special circumstances. He worked as a smuggler under his father, who owned a ship called the Freebird. Cesar also learned his trade from his father, which is why he has training in the arts of a scoundrel. They worked under a cartel style crime family, and his father had a deal with them that they wouldn't move questionable cargo foe them, so no things like human trafficking, and drugs were avoided, as well. Cesar has done this job since he was in his early teens. As such, along with what his job entails, he's been around many places and met many people. He was always a hard worker, and when he was done working, he'd head on down to where they're docked and experience its nightlife. Cesar's gotten to know alot of people through this. It was one day when the cartel decided to cut ties with the Freebird, and placed some drugs in their cargo and informed the guard of the port they were docking at. The ship and his crew were apprehended, but Cesar's father made sure at least his son escaped. Before Cesar escaped, his father asked him to work an honest profession, and not end up like the man he is. Because of these circumstances, Cesar made it certain to make a (mostly) honest man out of himself, and thus, found himself with the rest of the party As far as hitching a ride goes, I had planned that the Freebird was siezed and decomissioned a few months ago. Of course, I can also change the date to a mere few weeks or days ago, if that'll work with your idea better