[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@JBRam2002] [@HylianRose][/center] Amelia looked out the car window as the she and her brother passed by various building that lined the streets that would lead them to Elizabeth's house. Though, in her mind, domain would probably be the more accurate word, given what she had seen of Elizabeth's other house from the one or two times she had slept over. The thought brought a smile to her face before she stole a glance at her brother, the current driver. Amelia was more then capable of driving herself, she had a license. What she didn't have was a car, since her parents didn't buy her one for reasons they refused to explain to her. So she was stuck with probably one of her least favorite people on the planet as chaperone until she finally got a car of her own. Eventually, her brother came to a stop, a few yards from their destination. "[color=ed1c24]Get out[/color]." He said, popping the trunk of the car. Not wanting to argue and get in a fight, Amelia got out of the car and went and got her things before closing it. Without even a wave or verbal good-bye, her bother gunned the engine and left her there without any instructions on where to go. Sighing to herself, she shouldered on bag and grabbed her suitcase and began walking. At least he had dropped her off in a shady area. It would take her another hour to reach Elizabeth's house, which she only found as some communication problems while asking for directions and a lot of walking. Smiling to herself as she reached her destination, Amelia walked down to drive way, eager to get inside. As she made her way to the building, she spotted Brandon, staring around at the mansion as if he was on some sort of alien world. Laughing to herself, she approached him before reaching up and gently tapping in on the shoulder. When he turned around to see who it was, he would find her with her signature white umbrella, open the blocking the rays of the sun leaning against her left shoulder. She was wearing a simple yet elegant [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/41/92/b541926c23ff1384f1b8de2efb158924.jpg]white sundress[/url] and a pair of [url=https://slimages.macysassets.com/is/image/MCY/products/1/optimized/8297001_fpx.tif?01AD=3LO1kTejojAP38t-1SJu_YjaibaDR9q4Ggzbjp9ID1je9xmffXN6ZFw&01RI=41FA436A927198F&01NA=&bgc=255,255,255&wid=224&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg]sandals[/url] for the day. Once she had his attention, she gave him a kind, if slightly tired, smile. [i][color=a187be]Hello Brandon. How are you today?[/color][/i] She signed