[b]CHIYU SHOUKEI[/b] This was obviously not going to go anywhere if she didn't grab the magic USBs. That was something her tired brain could at least conclude on. If this was the way to go for getting home safely for a good snooze, then she'd just have to go for it. Even if there wasn't any fine print or anything, because she didn't think some wacky metaphysical stuff like this was going to do legal contracts. Just grab the USBs and head home. Just grab the USBs and head home. Like being paid in cash so the employer didn't need to contribute to superannuation. That sorta thing. Get magic USB and shove into some place on body. If she wasn't so exhausted, she probably would've been more doubting, but Chiyu Shoukei was currently very, very done. More done than a well-done steak pretending that it was actually tasty rather than a block of black flesh that you couldn't even chew on. She had spent a really long day at school, and now this dream thing was just the cherry on top. Fighting monsters? She didn't know about that. She didn't want to waste time on monsters but if it got her home right now, she'd fight all the bad guys this weird god girl wanted. Aaargh, fighting - she didn't want to do that either, but she didn't have a choice. Did gods make blood oaths or something? Would she get smited if she tried to weasel out? Maybe they were metaphorical monsters. Maybe they were a dream. She'd just have to find out by doing this anime whatever. Her hand reached for the suitcase. [i]Eeny-meeny-miney-moe[/i] She'd just go for that one. The moment her hand contacted the USB, she could feel something tingle in her forearm. Her right forearm. Really tingly. Like an itch just under the skin that couldn't be scratched. Wow that was super frustrating. Was this what they were talking about? "[color=DE6FA1]So I like,[/color]" she said, looking at the USB doubtfully, "[color=DE6FA1]jam this into somewhere?[/color]"