Ellis stomped back to the elevator. The cool voice of Talos, the ship's shackled AI, sounded in the small space, echoing ever so slightly, asking for his destination. "Cargo bay." The doors closed and sealed, and with a quiet hum, dropped at imperceptible speed, the doors sliding open once more, revealing a wide space, housing a massive rover, exercising Turians, storage crates of weapons, ammunition, materials, and other cargo. Ellis ignored the stares as he meandered his way to one of the storage closets lining the space. It was a long walk, and he was watched the whole way. [i]I wonder if any of them recognize you. Look at the way they're glaring.[/i] One of the Turians gave him a slight snarl as he passed. [i]He remembers you, at least.[/i] Ellis ignored the man and continued on, to wait at the door while it scanned his biometrics, before sliding open, revealing a space just large enough to be comfortable for someone of Ellis' size. He squeezed through the tight doorframe, and sat firmly onto a wide, metal container. The label bore only a single, enigmatic word: "TOOLS". The top gave in just a bit under his enormous weight, and Ellis felt comfortable here, even more so when the door closed, concealing the harsh lights of the cargo bay, to be replaced by dim shop lights. A metal desk sat in the corner, stray mechanical odds and ends littering its surface. Ellis paid them no mind, promising to clean the place up when he awoke. "NERO, initiate 'Good Night' protocol." His suit powered down, his viewscreen darkening. Ellis, exhausted from the night before, collapsed against the gel that encased him. It was soft. It was warm. And here, he was alone. Ellis slept.