[quote=@Kho] [@LokiLeo789] [centre][img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/uhy.gif[/img] Maybe...we should wait...a very long time... and decide in a few centuries?[/centre] Thing is, Act's RP is so far removed from how gods work in 'Canonical Divinus' that it would be hard to see how this 'Revisionist Divinus' could be integrated. The gods in that RP are akin to powerful heroes in Canonical Divinus - who happen to have the ability to eat souls (something that Thulemiz (a hero), can do). [/quote] Parallel universe twice removed? The whole Muliverse theory has infinite possibilities equal to it's infinite universes! As long as a universe has the title Divinus, involes "gods" in every sense, and has you wielding a fire whip, it's part of the damn Divinus Multiverse. (Also, Vorwza and Arguis talked about something akim to this in Mk.1...or was that us talking OCC? Not sure) Edit: Actually my intentions are far from that. I just like justifying the creation of things, even if I stand as a hypocrite in the end. (Dosen't justify anything he or his characters do). Using the Divinus name has to have something to it, or using it over and over again, it loses it ....umff. I'm not sure. Just Loki-Reasoning.