And the results are in! I got[color=orange] Emitter: Effect Field[/color] and [color=silver]Mutation: Cannon [/color] [@Mr Allen J] You've got [color=purple]Mutation: Mythical Beast[/color] and [color=goldenrod]Emitter: Drone Creation [/color] [@BubblegumQueen] You've got [color=red]Emitter: Evo-Clones [/color] and [color=lime]Emitter: Teleportation [/color] [@Jabber] You got [color=lightcyan]Transformation: Density Alteration [/color] [@pkken] You have [color=lightgray]Mutation: Avian [/color] [@Iatos] You've got[color=forestgreen] Transformation: Flora [/color] [@Uno] You rolled [color=tan]Emitter: Sand [/color] [@Shirochankun] And you rolled [color=steelblue]Mutation: Technology [/color] [@Gliding Snake] And last, but not least. [color=#575d66] Transformation: Smoke [/color]