Yumeko looked between Rachel and Vivian. One left and the other was about to leave. If they were going to split up, Yumeko decided to go the direction the others weren't. Arukenimon waved the lot of them off but kept her eyes on Rachel. . . [hr] [color=yellow][h3][center]Yumeko[/center][/h3][/color] Yumeko and Tinkermon wandered towards the Village's entrance. There was something that caught Yumeko's eye though. [color=yellow]"Is that a giant dinosaur, Tinkermon?"[/color] The girl asked, pointed at an orange digimon with blue strips and some kind of protective plate on it's head. Tinkermon laughed to herself a bit before she answered. [color=tan]"Nahhh, that's just Greymon. He's like this village's guardian. A lot of these villages like this will have a digimon that's a higher evolution to guard them."[/color] [color=yellow]"Oh."[/color] In the meanwhile, Greymon noticed the two and made his way over. [b]"Aren't you two cute? A human and her digimon? I think I heard about a new group coming in. Are you here to look into the Chess Empire?"[/b] The dinosaur Digimon said, surprising Yumeko a little bit. [color=yellow]"No. . . They sent us to look into Hacker activity."[/color] Greymon's face went a bit more serious for a second as he thought. [b]"Hacker's ehh? I've heard of some hacker activity lately, but nothing I've not been able to handle. I think there was another boy in town looking into that. Maybe you could ask him for something. Did you want me to tell you about the area a little bit?[/b] Greymon asked the couple, they both nodded. It wouldn't help to have more information on the area. Would it? [hr] [color=8493ca][center][h3]Rachel[/h3][/center][/color] Rachel wandered to the west side of the village. She found nothing especially exciting as it was a residential district. Adobe houses sat there, in the middle of a forest. If nothing else it showed the weirder side of the Digital World. There was also a Treehouse with a bunch of little dinosaur digimon. If Impmon wasn't stupid, he'd easily be able to tell that they were Agumon, the namesake of the village. [hr] [color=Orange][center][h3]Vivian[/h3][/center][/color] Vivian and Candlemon found themselves in a section of town that seemed to be trading posts of somewhat. Agumon manned the tents peddling weird foods off to other digimon. Some were these one's in blue coats and weird plants. There was eve-- [b]"Opphh!"[/b] A male voice called out as it's owner collided with Vivian slightly. Knocking the both of the back a bit. [b]"Sorry! Sorry!"[/b] The voice apologized. As Vivian turned around to it's owner, he probably would notice something special. [b]"Ohh, you're human too? Haven't seen anyone today."[/b] Yes, a human. [hider=The Boy][img]https://hohiho.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/abyss28eq9.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]"Be careful where you're going Niels."[/b] The hulking mechanical lion behind him said. [hider=The Lion][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/1/1f/GrapLeomon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120824210622[/img][/hider] [b]"Come off it, GrapLeomon. I just got distracted."[/b] The boy, Niels, said. He looked to be about the same age as Vivian and didn't seem all too annoyed with Grapleomon who merely shook his head and tapped him on the head a bit.