[color=orange]"Alright alright already!"[/color] replied Rolo. He sat up with a groan. It seemed that sleeping on a thin sheet of wool over solid rock made his back stiffen up a bit. A bad back was the bane of Rolos existence, that and hangovers. As luck would have it, he didn't drink quite enough for a hangover himself. Rolo did however had a powerful urge to pee. [color=orange]"Hey there little darlin."[/color] greeted Rolo. His mood brightened upon seeing Corinnes smiling face. Rolo then gave yet another agonised groan as he pushed himself into a squatting position. He then stood up, making a couple of light popping sounds along the way. [color=orange]"Early morning stiffness, gotta love it."[/color] commented Rolo.