[@Negatomsk] So you didn't mean Sky? Then by all means enlighten me. I'm genuinely curious. During my year and a half on this site, I've only ever lost twice, both times intentional. Sky was one of them, so prove me wrong. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Either way I mentioned Sky in the post immediately after the one where I stated that the Beardforce could break bones through such defenses. You say the Beardforce ignores any and all defenses enacted? Let's say Brock Lesnar came over to your house right now, and you had a repeating crossbow. He blocks your bolts with a frying pan or something lying around, walks up in front of you, grabs your weapon, and headbutts you because you didn't do anything to try and gain a tactical advantage. That's not ignoring all defenses enacted, that's taking advantage of someone too rock stupid to know how to defend themselves. [quote=@Doc Doctor] Edit. I don't want to drag Sky into something like this. It's bad enough I'm including him in my tough talk. [/quote] So as you can see with your own lying eyes, there is no way for you to weasel out of this by trying to twist my own meanings around. What's more, in my post I NEVER said that headgear was a drawback to the Beardforce. Again you're trying to twist my words around, seeking every little nook and cranny for escape no matter how desperate it looks. [quote=@Doc Doctor] Even through helmets Gonad's blows have proven their potency, for although such things may absorb shock and prevent superficial injury, they do not do much slow the rate at which the brain bounces off its protective walls. [/quote] "Proven their potency". That means it works through them. What's more, by saying "such things may absorb shock and prevent superficial injury", I simply stated the FUNCTION of practical helmets, not how the Beardforce reacts to them. I think you're the one who needs to learn how to read. You need to stop jumping the gun and try to grasp the situation. Now, as for the metagaming claim, I have a few things to say. You had full access to Gonad's profile and Arena fight history, and full well knew what you were getting into. By agreeing to this fight you accepted to have your character meet mine in combat, and as such it's not my problem if you think my character's powers are too great. Fact of the matter is, Lobo had just as much chance to beat Gonad, but you weren't able to prevent Gonad from invading Lobo's personal space and headbutting him into oblivion. You blame a lack of skill on OPness, on your dopey assumption that Lobo could just walk off a direct hit from another character's deadly implement, in this case, the baddest forehead on the market. If anything you're the one trying to powergame, by trying to have Lobo simply ignore a blow to his skull from a guy that makes a living killing things with unarmed blunt force bludgeoning. Get fucking real. 'The Beardforce knows.' Are you serious? Now you're just phrasing shit in a way that sounds unfair to you. It's an equalization power that lets Gonad hurt morons like you who don't know how to take proper hits, A.E, the headbutt from our aforementioned 'guy that makes a living killing things with unarmed blunt force bludgeoning'. What, you think it sounds fair for Lobo to endure that and "still have the presence of mind" to use a near instant four inch draw on his bow with tremendous killing power, and then land on his feet afterwards? Buddy, I know you know how this is, and I'm telling you now, cut it out. The way you're acting is ridiculous. Is an energy scouter metagaming? You know, that neat little gadget from DBZ? Yes, I know that power levels change. Just think of the Beardforce as a scouter that can't be fooled. It doesn't peek into your little character sheet as if it had those little bouncy googly eyes. It measures how much latent power a character has and bolsters Gonad up to that level so that a bout can end decisively and with as little beating around the bush as possible. If you had stabbed Gonad in the heart, he'd not have "had the presence of mind" to still try and headbutt you. He'd have totally died, because his durability, though surely formidable, was equalized too. You had every bit as much a chance to hurt him as I had to hurt you, perhaps even more considering your *horribly misused* ranged game. Next time try more fakeouts, trick shots, ect. One of my faves is blasting out someone's foot right as they put their forwards weight onto it. But even if you see that as metagaming, that's still your problem. You accepted the fight knowing how it worked, and now here you are complaining about it. No, yes, yes, I know what you want to say, what you want to say so very badly but know isn't true, and I've already read your other posts declaring it, so no need to try the same schtick. You [u]knew[/u] how it worked, you know what I mean, and you do remember Sky. I told you before the fight, I told you.