[@Silver Carrot] [indent]‘Hm. Little sister. Very well.’[/indent]Lataniva made a mildly amused noise as she was on the way away to help out in the cargo bay, apparently. Did she know it was customary for Dalentian family and siblings to share everything by syncing their minds every evening so that they may all help one another out with any complications any of them might have? Would Taleste be okay with that? While it was exceedingly rare that this practice be used in space, Lataniva hadn’t done it since leaving her home planet, years ago… Nah. Lataniva would keep it to herself, and then used her psionics to help unload heavy things. And then it turned out she and Taleste had been heading in the same direction. [indent]‘So it is.’[/indent]Lataniva gave a brief response to the girl’s statement, briefly looking at her before continuing to unpack stuff. They would likely see a lot of each other in the future. While Dalentian awareness was aware of a lot of things, it couldn’t predict sudden explosions rocking the ship. Lataniva found herself losing her balance and falling, needing to spin around to meet the wall with her hands and then quickly use her psionics to grab what she could of the baggage that was threatening to impact her lethally. Having neutralized that threat, she grunted and spent a moment to calm down. She was fairly easy to discomfort with this kind of thing. She heard Stryker say he needed her there. Where was that? The Dalentian grunted in mild irritation as she got her limbs moving and headed for the bridge. If not there, then to the War Room. Wherever. [hr] [@Crossfire] She then hung out with them, looking mildly annoyed in the background as she followed them around until her name got called again, now to examine Arex’s head. Well. [@Dark Light] [indent]‘That’d be my pleasure.’[/indent]Lataniva said with an exceedingly dry tone, taking a step forward towards the man, her hand lifted with intention to place against his head, her eyes gazing at him with a focused look that asked if he was going to struggle or not.