[hider=R3N-G30] NAME: R3N-G30 APPEARANCE: [hider=Armored] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/5d/3d/d25d3d9497975053e2e14427dca06565.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Unarmored] [img]http://media1.gameinformer.com/filestorage/CommunityServer.Components.SiteFiles/imagefeed/featured/cdprojekt/witcher2/feature/thewitchertriss610.jpg[/img] [/hider] BIO: The first years of her life, like the majority of creatures, was based around learning. R3N had "simple" mathematics down first, then came finding purpose. She was created to destroy and after year 3, she had the first chance to do so. Ever since she succeeded in her first mission she had been around the globe, "finding her purpose". CLASS: PYROTECH MECH - DREADNOUGHT: 15DUR/10EQU/1STR/1DEX/6VIS/0CHA/1AGL/4SKL/3LCK SKILLS: SHOCK AND AWE FIREFIGHTER SIX GUN EQUIPMENT: HayMaker Defense Co. M4 Kinetic Hammer Durandal Arms and Armor D-2 Dillinger Heavy Carbine [hider=Stats] DURABILITY- Determines how much damage an unshielded body can sustain before death EQUIPMENT LOAD: Determines how much weight in equipment that a player can carry before being over-encumbered STRENGTH: Determines bonuses when engaging in unarmed combat, i.e. punches, kicks, throws DEXTERITY: Determines bonuses to sword damage and critical hits VISION: Determines ranged weapon roll bonus CHARISMA: Determines Mimic/Persuade/Haggle/Negotiate bonus and effectiveness AGILITY: Determines speed and dodge/cover roll bonuses SKILL: Determines dodge roll/sword deflection/cover roll bonuses LUCK: Determines the mercy of the game on your character [/hider] [@PrivateVentures] [/hider]