It was strange, really. You'd think that a librarian offloading a bunch of information would have cleared things up, but really, it had just left them with more questions than ever before. As Adam and Casey both picked up and headed to their class, Danny ran his hands through his hair once, then stood to leave to. No, not to go to class - just home for a nap. He slung his bag over his shoulder and pushed back his chair, leaving it shoved away from the table as he walked out. He paused just before heading through the door, one hand pressed against the cool wooden surface. "Dana?" His head half turned in her direction, casually, as if this was merely an afterthought - though his words had the sense that they were carefully chosen, nonetheless. "If you see this Slayer chick, go easy on her. Like... She's a badass apparently, okay. Neat. But she's also the new girl on her first day in this dump, so this is automatically a bad day already. And - she might be super cool, for all we know." His eyes shifted from Dana then, briefly meeting Victoria's considered, calm gaze. "Or she might be batshit crazy. But we'll deal with that if it happens. No needta worry yet." Then he pushed the door open and stepped out, reaching for his headphones before he was even over the threshold. He didn't come back to school until woodshop class. Danny liked woodshop. It was mindless work, but still - he liked to make things, preferred to keep his hands busy so his mind was free to wander. "Not academically inclined", as his third-grade homeroom teacher had tactfully phrased it on his end-of-year report card, as if stating the blunt truth might have damaged his fragile kid-mind in some way. Danny took up his usual seat behind Casey on the less-crowded side of the room. Usually he would have cheerfully swatted Casey on the back of the head to startle him and then and called him a loser or something, but not this time. After being jumped by a bazillion vamps the night before and the library revelations of the morning, sudden sneak-attacks seemed like a bad idea. Tension causes stress and breaks bones, after all. Instead, he just slumped down in his seat and waited for class to begin, a bundle of moody elbows and unruly hair. At least woodshop was an easy class. Boring, really. And that was great, because Danny had already had his fill of surprises and unexpected happenings for the day.