[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KPQkV1V.png[/img][/center] Etsu continued to watch the screen on her phone when all of a sudden, a ghastly shriek stopped her in her tracks. There was no discerning where it could possibly come from or whether male or female was responsible, and the shrillness of the cry in question had cut Etsu to the bone. Her eyes, widened in alarm, slowly peered off the screen and in a forward trajectory. [color=ec008c]"Wh-who's [i]there[/i]?"[/color] Etsu called out in a hesitant manner. Unfortunately, the only sound that came in reply was a second bloodcurdling scream off in the far yonder. It might've sounded as though it had a slightly different pitch, but it still had a feel of androgyny to it. In her shock and awe, Etsu scanned the hallway she was walking along, genuine concern for her own safety written all over her face. She was all alone, classrooms seemed to have been outright abandoned, and the only colors Etsu could see for yards to come were white, black, grey, red... were the walls of the school [i]even[/i] red in color, from a normal standpoint? Etsu couldn't remember for the life of her, and she'd regret not even paying the slightest attention to such a detail, but right now she was more focused on trying to find out what the hell was going on. [color=ec008c]"I swear, if this is supposed to be a prank or a jump scare, I'm gonna find the asshole who thought of it and punch him in the face,"[/color] Etsu muttered to herself; with that off her chest, her nerves seemed to be stable for the moment. She scouted around cautiously, even taking the chance to look over her shoulder to ensure that no-one was stalking her from behind. As she did, she noticed something suspicious about the way the walls were now colored. She reached her left hand out and nearly touched the wall before suddenly recoiling in fright, fearful of what laid before her eyes upon a closer examination. [color=ec008c][i]'Is this...[/i] blood[i]?'[/i][/color] Etsu wondered, overridden with confusion. ... While she had her phone out, Etsu's first instinct was to dial for emergency services and hold it to her ear, praying that someone would pick up on the other end. She [i]had[/i] to see if she could contact the outside world. If she couldn't, then what could she do?