Hey hey, sorry if it looks like I hopped in and then disappeared. I still would like to join. Here's my character sheet: [hider=Lyra Andor] [center][b]Name:[/b] Lyra Andor [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Element:[/b] Wind Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/yNBSa4A.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Personality:[/b] A bumbling, airheaded girl who always seems to have her mind somewhere else. She excessively wonders about all sorts of things and is prone to mindless wandering, often finding herself somewhere with no idea of how she got there. If she manages to keep herself focused, she's actually very knowledgeable. She can be a good friend as long as you don't mind if she skips a beat or two of the conversation. [b]History:[/b] The Andors have been scientists and scholars for generations. Lyra's father is a mathematician, and he had taught her the intricacies of numbers and logic since she was young. Lyra's mother--who named her after a constellation--is an astronomer, and has impressed on her a sense of wonder for the universe. At a young age, Lyra seemed keen to devour her family's scholarly knowledge, but somehow she was also easily drawn to music. When she was seven years old, in an act of confidence that surprised everyone, little Lyra declared that she wanted to be a musician, not a scientist like her parents. It was a family friend who first noticed that her affinity for music might not be superficial. He was studying the elements in secret, and found out that Lyra has a grasp on the element in which music flows: air. When he told her parents about this fact, they were less than thrilled. The magic of the elements, after all, seems so far removed from their logical sciences. The same family friend suggested that Lyra be sent to the Elemental Academy, where she could learn about her power in peace without frustrating her parents. They still love her, but agreed that it was for the best, and sent her off. [b]Equipment[/b]: She plays the trumpet and the violin. She might absent-mindedly carry either of them around. [/hider]