[color=00a651][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S H I N D O "F L A S H F O R W A R D" T S U B A S A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/COLOR] [hr][sup]City W[/sup] [@Cherrywitch] [@Archmage MC] [color=00a651]"Biology's fun to learn about."[/color] Flash Forward admitted with a nod, also agreeing with what she had said. While butchering monsters up wasn't exactly part of her routine, Biology has helped when looking for the right places to damage for maximum effectiveness. Even aliens had some sort of weakness on their body - someone just had to exploit it. [color=00a651]"I never knew why I had to learn about the x and y's of Math. It's not like I'll ever use those in real life, but you gotta learn what you gotta learn."[/color] He continued with a shrug. He let out a hum when Light mentioned that she didn't need to go to school thanks to her condition. [color=00a651]"A life without school huh..."[/color] He never really thought about a life without school - a life without needing it. Like, sure, he thought about dropping school and continuing on as a hero but he never went through with it. It just fills him with a certain amount of uncertainty that he didn't like. It was always drilled into his head that finishing college would at least land him in a good and stable job as long as he does what he likes. He bet it's less dangerous than this whole hero business. But he needs this, he can't quite... not yet. His thoughts were cut off by Light slamming down the metal pole onto the ground which was kind of melted in some way and the huge slab of meat was still in the middle. He caught her having this throbbing hand before it quickly healing. She then sliced up the slabs of meat - giving one to him, placing one on Violet Reaper and then helping one to herself. It was kind of oversized, definitely not something he could clear in one bite. Well, he wasn't looking for one anyway. Just as Light offered up her fingers to cut through the meat, Flash Forward pulled down his half-mask all the way to make way for his mouth and then took one bite on the huge slab of meat. He slowly chewed on it. It surprised him. It's actually [i]edible.[/i] He was expecting he would lurch and puke out everything. Apparently, that's not the case. While it is a bit hard and had a sort of metallic taste to it, it wasn't all that bad. He probably wouldn't eat it for the next three days but he could probably do this once a month or maybe even twice a month. It's alright even if it isn't a life or death situation. [color=00a651]"This is pretty okay."[/color] Before he could comment any further, he heard a thud and he turned to Reaper, slowly rising. The one that had fell was the slab of meat that Light had given to her. Did that shake her awake? [color=00a651]"Glad to see you're alive."[/color] He sighed in relief. At least she wasn't too horribly injured or this would have been a lot more complicated and he'd rather not have anything too complicated on his hands. He took another bite of the meat and noticed that her eyes trailed towards the burnt soles of his feet. It was followed by a gasp from the woman. She began to apologize and thank him for doing what he did. [color=00a651]"It's no biggie Reaper. I'm more than glad to help a fellow hero. This is but a small cost."[/color] He gestured towards his injured feet, now healing at an accelerated rate. Though even in this state, it would seem that it wasn't going to completely heal in under an hour or two so he would probably be sent home or stay at the hospital to make sure he's fine. His feet were the most important part of his body, considering he is a speedster and his power relies on his legs and feet. [color=00a651]"Eat the meat Reaper. You probably burnt through a lot of energy with that attack."[/color] He followed her gaze at the site of a long gone inferno. [color=00a651]"But... wow Reaper, that's really something. I didn't know you could do something like that."[/color] He breathed out, though didn't seem very impressed. The fact that she collapsed after releasing one burst of attack meant she couldn't handle it or she hasn't mastered it yet. [color=00a651]"You looked like you were struggling with it though. You okay?"[/color] A once more genuine question came out of his mouth, worry lacing his tone. He might not be close to the other hero but she was certainly someone he had come to respect. And he'd be damned if the same thing that happened to Dreadlock happened to her. His memory of the ink black tendrils came back to mind, body shuddering from it. Should he tell? Maybe he should wait until they were alone so he could confront her about it without having a third party. Like, no offense Light, but he felt that it might be pretty personal to Reaper or something and having the toon monster around might make her clamp up more.