[hr][hr] [center][h1]Juliette Morrison[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54ma9gt7t1qdznpo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Ghal-Priyam; Holloway Co. [sup][b]Post In Collaboration With:[/b] None. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Luna Stevenson ([@Caits]), Constance ([@Atrophy]), Raymond Rahlei and Maxine Holloway ([@Mercenary Lord]).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] “..R-Raymond…” Her voice soft… shaky as she felt him pulling (albeit reluctantly) away from her, panic flashed across the surface of her beautiful, though cloudy eyes, her hand lifting to reach out towards him before the feeling of another taking a hold of her caught her attention. Wha-... What was going on..? She hadn’t touched anything in the room- she hadn’t done anything to catch the woman’s wrath, and yet here she was, separated from the ones she cared for and trusted, and left in the company of that last person she wanted to spend time with. Biting her lower lip softly as she was led further into the room, Juliette continued to look behind her, back in the direction that she had last heard both Raymond and Collin’s voices coming from. Why couldn’t Raymond stay..? What had she done- what was so important that Maxine had seen fit to threaten him being physically removed from their presence..? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know; but then she also knew that right now, she didn’t have a choice. Maxine Holloway was a woman who [i]always[/i] got what she wanted… not matter of the cost or consequence. [b]“Handsome men, all of them. Utterly unneeded for success, naturally, but one can always admire unnecessary things.”[/b] What had she done..? She had to have done something that had gained the woman’s attention, though for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it had been. The last few days had been rather repetitive; she’d gotten up and left the house, attempted to help out some of the women by weaving baskets with them for the celebrations, returned to her family’s bar so that she could help out her parents… there was nothing that was too far out of the ordinary… at least, aside from her run in with the guys that morning, there was nothing out of the ordinary… [b]“Case in point, this company: luxury items sell most delightfully to those who cannot afford them. Ah, wae sorja, Yuliette-oum.”[/b] Snapping her attention back to the present at the sound of her name being spoken aloud, Juliette allowed her unseeing gaze to turn in the direction it had come from, her body slowly lowering down into the chair that had been provided for her before silently, and very politely, she bowed her head lightly out of deep respect for the woman addressing her. Something didn’t feel right about this; but it wasn’t her place to speak out of term. Shifting nervously in the seat, she brought her hands together, resting them neatly in her lap as she listened, her ankles coming together and crossing over one another beneath her, her voice soft as she spoke, answering in kind to let the woman know that she was indeed listening to what she was saying, “..madam Holloway…” [b]“I’d called you here to offer good news to you. I’ve decided that you and Arn, my grandson, will be wed sometime in the next week or two. I expect to tell your parents shortly and see about beginn-...”[/b] The rest of the woman’s words lost on her, Juliette fell into a daze, all color seeming to drain completely from her features as the weight of what had just been said fell upon her shoulders. Married… s-she wanted her to marry her grandson..? To marry Arn..? She felt dizzy, the gentle pounding in her head causing her to sway lightly in her seat as the thought continued to swirl around and around within her mind. No matter how much she thought on the matter, she couldn’t seem to understand it, and one question still rung true, though she daren’t not speak it aloud… [i]..why me..?[/i] Shifting once more in her seat, though this time with unease, she dropped her head down, her fingers curling ever so slightly around the material of her skirt, causing it to ride up just a tad. She couldn’t get married- not to Arn. She barely knew the man… Having met in passing a couple of times, and politely shared conversation on more than one occasion; she knew he wasn’t a bad guy… he was nice enough… at least, nice enough for a Holloway raised under the ever watchful eye of Maxine. But… marriage..? “..but-... but I do not love him…”