[@Medjedovic] Super interested in this RP. I wrote a quick thing just to reserve a spot. I'll have the backstory done tomorrow. [hider=WIP (just need a back story)] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/3245/th/pre/f/2014/157/5/6/female_archer_by_d_torres-d7lc5dz.jpg[/img] Name: Amy Idolum Gender: Female Age: 21 Personality: Amy is a woman of a few words and keen eyes. She is the first to scout a dangerous area and the last to leave the battlefield. Amy is courageous in that way and also loyal to her fellow soldiers. She likes to hunt alone or practice hours upon hours shooting her bow. Ame hates the notion of not being free, of not be able to hunt in the wild or run with the animals. History: Your life as a slave, what job did you do, how did you feel about your liberation, why did you join the Free Legions, etc. [/hider]