Nymira saw absolutely no reason to allow Adrian to tend to her. Her wound was not life threatening and she could treat it well enough on her own, let it heal of its own accord. For all her experience with stubborn people since arriving in Adelon at least Adrian seemed to be reasonable and conceded to her reasoning and for that she was grateful. The healer was exactly right in their reasoning as well: Why be cautious when any injury could be erased? Only those on death's doorstep should need immediate care, fighting while injured was very common for her people and you simply battled through the pain if the injury allowed for it. Amuné lecturing anyone was comical at best, and Nymira found herself rather annoyed by the girl. Why would a child of all people think themselves right to criticize anyone? Let alone her entire culture and her people's beliefs like the Ydran seemed to be doing. She was not discrediting healers nor questioning their use, the Dimuran was only pointing out that using them too frequently and too willingly was a problem. She wasn't going to waste any breath arguing with a child though, if Amuné wished to think that way then so be it. "To be honest I would have no idea how to deal with my wound," Nymira admitted, frowning as she lifted her leg and peeled back the bloodied cloth, "There are herbs that can be found in the steppes near my home that we would use but I don't know where to find any here. There are foods too which help stave off infection but none of those animals or fruits are here either. I wouldn't mind if you taught me, but again, I'll have to ask you don't heal it." After all there was a stark difference between maintaining and tending to a wound and healing it outright, a discrepancy that appeared to utterly soar over Amuné's head. At no point had Nymira said she'd ignore it and simply will it to get better, rather she refused to allow magic to mend it in seconds. "Let me take care of her Adrian, don't waste your supplies." Lionel offered to take care of Nymira's wounds if the Dimuran was willing and while questioning his offer she seemed to allow it. Smiling politely he removed his satchel from his waist and knelt before Nymira, fetching a roll of bandages and two small vials of solutions as well as a tuft of cotton. "Taliya gives me whatever I need for supplies but I'm guessing you've had to buy or gather your own. Save your things for an emergency, let the boss pay for this," Lionel explained to Adrian with a grin, laughing as Nymira gave him a disapproving look. She was not fond of his using his superior's resources so casually, she had said, but he defended it by saying they never went to waste and it simply allowed him to help more people. Taking care of a burn like hers, magical or otherwise, required much in the same treatment and solutions. First a harsh but powerful disinfectant was applied and Lionel could see Nymira's jaw go taut as the liquid was applied. After cleaning that with a gentler solution he applied a soothing aloe blend, and once that was put in place the bandages were wrapped around the wound, securely enough to stay on but not enough to pinch vessels or limit movement. "No running around until it starts to at least scab over, and try not to put too much weight on it," Lionel ordered as he wiped his hands clean, "Also assuming that was caused by some kind of rot magic it might take longer to heal, and if you notice it turning green at all come and see me. Or Adrian, he can probably help you too." Hm, there were certainly traces of some kind of poison around the wound that had notably faded since the wound was inflicted but it was still curious. Just what had caused this wound? If it was a Magi then it was a fairly rare type of magic that caused it, and if it was a Void beast, far more likely, then at least she would learn not to get too close again. "Anywho... I should probably get back before I get in more trouble!" He had technically vanished during the middle of one of his shifts again and no excuse was going to let him worm his way out of his coworkers wrath. Smiling as he gathered up his materials Lionel gave the group an exaggerated bow, bidding Adrianna a farewell in particular before rushing out from the shop. They really should be getting back to the compound themselves, it was time for a meal and to rest. Ethan wanted time, no, [i]needed[/i] time to think about where he was going after learning about Cedric and that meant somehow finding a window to be by himself to think. Fortunately for him Amuné was rather tuckered out today and she'd probably nap when they returned so that should give him plenty of opportunity. "I got two arms don't I? I'll be fine, don't you worry Amuné," Ethan replied, smiling as he lifted the Ydran into his arms. "Go ahead kiddo and nap, we'll be back to the compound before you know it." Nymira may still need assistance walking but she turned down his offer when it was made and voted instead to walk under her own power. That flew in the face of what Lionel had just told her and Adrian probably wasn't thrilled either but Ethan wasn't in the best position to be carrying two people anyways. Waiting for Cecil to finish charging and for Norman's blessing to let him go they left the shop and began making their way back. [hr] "Well I'm impressed runts, you actually managed to not die out there! You're more capable than I thought!" That was probably Taliya's idea of praise if Ethan had to guess though it wasn't exactly uplifting. Had she really expected so little out of them that she was surprised they'd even come back? "Gage told me you even killed yourselves a Rökorm too. Shit, I'd be impressed if it didn't almost kill you two," Taliya went on, grinning as she gave Ethan and Taliya a patronizing round of applause. "And our little Machina friend is all better, everything's screwed on tight and good as new! You look much better than the jumbled bits and pieces you showed up as." That was probably enough teasing the kids for now, she was earnestly impressed they had managed to win against a Rökorm by themselves. By Kensen's account they had been utterly hopeless and sloppy in their ways of killing the creature but the fact remained they had done so and gotten out mostly intact. She took into account too of course that had Kensen and Gage not been present to kill the Vazra these two would not be standing before her now, which confirmed her suspicions about this little ragtag bunch from earlier: none of them really knew how to fight. And Magi who traveled on their own had to know how to defend themselves otherwise you ended up being caught, or dead. "Since we're all busy people I'll get right to it. Your fighting ability against Void beasts sucks, and I mean it really, [i]really[/i] sucks. What you saw today are some of the lesser creatures from the Void and if you can't even kill those things easily you're fucked. Then you have the Church and their Hunters wandering around, snatching up or killing Magi that are waltzing about like idiots. The short of it is you kids are as good as dead if you keep going like you are now, and unless you're on a suicide mission I doubt that's what you're after." Nymira was rather annoyed to be having someone speaking down to her like Taliya was, but she also understood her position perfectly well. They had struggled to even harm the Varuna whereas Kensen and Taliya had made him flee outright, her pride wasn't so great she couldn't acknowledge the power gap. And since this woman was so keen in pointing that out time and time again it was obvious that their lack of training, though she'd argue that more pertained to Ethan, was a risk for them all. "So what are you suggesting then? That we give up and go home?" The Dimuran refused regardless of the risk to herself, she'd travel alone again if she had to. "I can't do that, and neither can any of them. We all have reasons for traveling and we refuse to just give in." "I'm not asking you pups to give up either so don't get the wrong idea princess. I'm saying you all need training, proper training too, not some wishy-washy bullshit," Taliya explained as she got up from her seat. Kensen was present which was good, she'd need his help with this if they were ever going to make it work. "Cedric was a hell of a Magi but he had a totally different element than yours, right kid? He was earth and you're wind, shit doesn't work together. So you'll need an actual wind Magi to help you, and Kensen just so happens to fit that bill. Same for you, Dimuran, you need some proper training with your flames. You brats are lucky Kensen's got both elements under his belt, he can teach you both how to be half decent Magi." Of course Ethan and Nymira were not the only members of this group that needed some instruction, if they hoped to survive long enough to get whatever they were after every single one of them had to be able to fight and protect themselves. "I looked into finding you a teacher too, Amuné, and there's no one in Mutebo to teach your kind of magic." Plenty of people knew of it but not a single person within the city possessed such an ability. Sight was rare after all, even more so since the Church went crazy and started hunting people, and those who were good enough to use it well were rarer still. "I've got a lead though that might help you out, but it's going to take some time to get to it. So until that happens you should work with Gage and Helmann, they're our experts on weapons here. They'll sort you out with something you can use, since your magic isn't going to do jack shit against anyone else." Putting a weapon into a child's hands would horrify anyone else and the girl's parents would probably lose their fucking minds if they knew but Amuné needed some way to keep herself safe, that was just the world they found themselves in. Plenty of kids had been taken away and killed already by the Church's people and Amuné would be no different unless she could protect herself. "As for you, Machina, you should work with that gearhead Norman about learning how to use your abilities. Bastard is a pain in my ass but he's about as smart as they come and he already seems to know a lot about you. Guessing this wasn't the first time he's had to fix you up." Being a combat Machina should mean he was perfectly designed for keeping these kids safe but he seemed to break all the time, probably on account of not being able to actually fight properly. Many of them appeared confused why she was bothering to go to these lengths to provide training for them and Taliya found it amusing, her reasoning was simple really. "The less people the Church gets the better it is for us. And besides we might need you brats someday, it won't do us any good if you wind up dead in a ditch somewhere," she explained, "So if you're planning on sticking around in Mutebo for a bit we'll set you up with training. Of course that means you're pulling your weight in exchange." Seeing the concerned looks on Ethan and Nymira's faces she laughed. "No more missions, relax. I've got better people to do that shit, people that won't nearly get themselves fucking killed. Nah, you'll help around the city, fair's fair. Got to earn your keep."