[hider] [center][h2]Djinsuir Ibn Al-Ghumari [/h2][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/h2NHDB8.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][center][i]"Saf lujat ai firanij"[/i][/center][/h2] [hr] Age: 27 Race: Sektephi Appearance: The Sektephi are all born with a unique symbol somewhere on their body, after birth its meaning is interpreted by the Awrak'hayla or "Life Oracle". Djin bears his mark on his left pectoral and its meaning is "Wandering Sword". Aside from his birth mark his body also displays a variety of scars; burns, stabs, and slashes. His eyes, indicative of his birth from the Almarak Clan, a vibrant blue which glows faintly in the night. Equipment: Despite being exposed to many different cultures, Djin has never once forgotten his people. Choosing only to wear traditional Sektephi armor and clothing he tends to stand out from he crowd. Almarak crafted iron breastplate and pauldrons offer the most protection with the rest of his outfit consisting of leather and cloth. His family sword "Daityat" or "Union" is an Almarak Steel Khopesh and is his primary weapon but if the situation calls for it, Djin can easily wield his oak short bow with ease. Personality: Raised by a code, Djin is a rather formal and polite individual. It is only under times of great stress that his less favorable side takes front stage. If a task is given to him he will see it completed as long as it does not sully his family name or his honor. While he is not a pious man, Djin does hold some respect for his gods, particularly Hesi: goddess of the sand sea. Allies need not ask for a more loyal companion and enemies should pray for mercy as Djin shows the utmost compassion for his friends and does not easily forgive transgressions against him or those close to him. History: Omujir, a land of sand seas and flourishing oases, of scorched earth and fertile jungle. The people who claim this land as their own are known as the Sektephi, a race of man born with gifts from their harsh homeland. Nomadic tribes by nature, Sektephi clans dot the land in hundreds but the four most powerful tribes are; The Kearshai'in, Almarak, Vityadi, and Suorokasi. Djinsuir Ibn Al-Ghumani was born a member of the Almarak Clan, nomadic sellswords offering protection to any who would seek it. His father and mother, Zarif and Tahani Al-Ghumani, were the heads of the Ghumani tribe, a large tribe with ancestral ties and present loyalties to the Almarak. Djinn's birth sparked conflict in the family as his uncle, Tarik would now have to serve him should his parents die. For years, Tarik served bitterly at his brother's side until Djin was seventeen years old. Age had caught up with Zarif and it was time for Tarik to make his move. One night, Tarik gathered men loyal to him and staged a coup. Zarif was killed in battle and Tahani soon after but not before giving the family sword to her son and sending him off into the wilderness alone. From that day forth, Djin would live as a lone nomad, going wherever the sands blew, searching for...something. A purpose? A new home? Revenge? Whatever it was, it led him to the Infinity Bridge. Years of fighting and wandering alone has led to this point and Djin had a feeling his destiny lay beyond the bridge. Guild Ranking: Wood Misc: Sektephi are born with exceptional night vision as well as possessing impressive fire resistance, touching fire will not burn them unless one keeps contact with the flame for an extended period of time. [hider] Daityat [img]http://1501bc.com/files/khopesh/tutankamen_smaller_khopesh_41cm.jpg[/img][/hider] Goals: Since birth it has been his destiny to wander, to satisfy an unrelenting desire for something unknown. Djin has wandered the world, seen many wonders and terrors, and his journey has finally led him here. With a bit of luck and the aid of the gods, he shall find what he seeks here. [/hider]