[center][h1]PELEGATH[/h1][/center] [center][h3]Lord of Rot[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/67/1e/db/671edbf5d4758f9363a3993ced9538ef.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=PROFILE][u][b] DOMAIN & PORTFOLIO [/b][/u] [indent] Death (Decay)[hider=Description]Death is feared, respected and often considered with a poetic beauty. What few poems and epics address is the aftermath of Death's touch, what happens to the vessel left behind. The point beyond the soul's reaping is where Pelegath, demigod of decay takes up the torch. Many think of decay in a less than flattering light. Words like decay, putrefaction and rot conjure feelings of disgust. Few see beauty in a fallen tree being slowly consumed by fungi and crawling things in the dirt until it becomes putrid sludge, but Pelegath sees nigh unmatched beauty in such things. Decay may not be fragrant or have wonderful colors but what could be more beautiful than the living reclaiming the dead to create new life? Decay is a process that occurs all around but remains largely abhorred or simply forgotten despite its importance. If the dead did not wither into soil, where then would plants take root? If a carcass remained where it lay, what then would return its tangible form to creation? The rotting of slain beasts feeds the grass around them and this grass will feed new beasts, new life. Pelegath is not merely a bringer of ruin he is a being of cleansing, rebirth and renewal. Pelegath has the power to cause matter to decay and degrade with touch or by will if the matter in question is close enough. His portfolio is decay, but only in the physical sense. Things such as moral or mental decay fall outside his jurisdiction while a rotting corpse may well be his handiwork.[/hider][/indent] [u][b] GENDER [/b][/u] [indent]Male without variation or deviation[/indent] [u][b] ALIGNMENT [/b][/u] [indent]Neutral Good[/indent] [u][b] PERSONALITY [/b][/u] [hider=Description][indent]Despite the unpleasantness associated with his work, Pelegath is a kind and merciful demigod who generously uses his power for the benefit of those who do not manage to invoke his wrath. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive, especially when those who raised his ire make concerted effort to atone. Virtually the only act a mortal is capable of that would truly anger him are meddling in necromancy and un-death which he sees as affronts to the natural order. Such magics can be used to avoid Death and therefore him far longer than any non-divine being should. Though a bringer of destruction, Pelegath has no love for needless destruction. Rot prepares the way for new life and creation, there is intent beyond carnage.[/indent][/hider] [u][b] APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [hider=Description][indent]His exact appearance is ever changing with portions growing and withering away at a slow, steady rate but he does maintain a general appearance. His preferred form is roughly two meters in height with a pair of badly-decomposed humanoid arms attached to a large torso supported by a pair of back-bending legs. Atop his neck is a lump of maggot-infested flesh in the shape of a malformed and faceless head. From the sides of the fleshy mass of his head sprout two large, bug and fungus infested tree branches resembling antlers with many jagged points. What could be called his skin is entirely rotted away in many places but what remains is composed of putrefied flesh in varying shades of green and black along with mats of decayed plant matter and patches of mold of varying types from black to yellow slime mold. Insects and worms can be seen crawling inside his body just beneath his skin and outside it in some places while flies swarm around his exterior.[/indent][/hider] [u][b] DESCRIPTION [/b][/u] [hider][indent]He is a demigod of destruction in the domain of death, but that does not mean he is cold or even unkind. Pelegath is a fatherly deity that gives generously and asks little (think Nurgle without the space AIDS). His role may be destructive, but he is by no means chaotic being and very much cares for the natural order of the universe. He is not usually malicious toward other deities, but he does tend to distance himself from other gods in favor of the company of mortals. This is not to say he will not lend aid if another deity calls on him. Save for actions that would spread the corruption of necromancy and acts of needless destruction, Pelegath is always willing to lend what aid he can. The Lord of Rot is comparatively easy to appease with only two things are needed to gain his favor. The first is to erect a small shrine dedicated to him. With what and where the shrine is constructed are of little concern, it need only be a place where offerings can be made. The second requirement is that offerings are to be placed on the shrine and allowed to rot without interference. Such offerings may be a piece from a hunter's kill or a portion of a farmer's crop, anything that can rot. The act of offering means more to him than what is being offered. Especially devout followers may give themselves at the end of their lives and allow their bodies to rot on one of his shrines[/indent][/hider] [u][b] MUSIC THEME [/b][/u] [indent]Lion King- Circle of Life[/indent] [u][b] CONCEALMENT & DETECTION LEVEL [/b][/u] [indent]Concealment: 1 Detection: 1[/indent][/hider] I'm professional, I swear.