[hr][hr][center][img]https://s3.postimg.org/50tlljshf/horrors_of_cove.png[/img][hr][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/29d5f32d43a76564b5b2ae8e81d4a858/tumblr_o7p35eFBZO1ukk0b1o1_400.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][@FantasyChic][/center][hr][hr] Hello, my darlings, hello! It is such a shame that none of you have yet to perish, but do not fret, I am sure that it will be soon to come. The odds can only remain in your favor for only so long, after all! Yet I am sure you are wondering: why have the police not yet arrived? It is most troubling, is it not? I continue to roll and roll and roll, but the boys in blue never appear...I wonder, my dears, if you have already been left alone, left to die. Coventry isn't that different from Altsoba after all... [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 2016[/color] - Coventry Horrors, Lobby[/b][/i] Andromeda frowns a bit, noticing that Emmie is obviously upset. She can't exactly blame the kid--how old was she, fifteen? fourteen? Andromeda couldn't tell, but it didn't really matter. Emmie had nearly witnessed two murders that day. It was enough to do a number on anyone's psyche, especially a kid's. [color=9999ff]"The same person, I imagine,"[/color] Andromeda answered finally, thinking through the events of that day. [color=9999ff]"They mentioned a name--Marlowe--on the phone. That's a good a place as any to start,"[/color] Andromeda continued, glancing out the hotel windows. The police still hadn't arrived. [color=9999ff]"Looks like we're on our own, kid."[/color] Stepping behind the front desk for a moment, she locked up the register, put a neat little [i]BE BACK LATER[/i] sign up, and then walked over to the doors of the hotel. [color=9999ff]"Hardly anyone's staying here--which is good for us,"[/color] Andromeda explained, as she locked the hotel doors. Guests at the hotel all had keys that worked in the side entrance, but for the most part, only the group upstairs, crowding around the wardrobe, and then those in the lobby were present. It was the Christmas season, after all. Halloween themed activities weren't too popular. And with the serial killer (Folly), hardly anyone wanted to travel to Coventry. [color=9999ff]"Let's go catch an asshat, then,"[/color] Andromeda nodded at Emmie, before beckoning to the girl to follow her up the stairs, heading towards the fifth floor. [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 2016[/color] - Coventry Horrors, Seventh Floor[/b][/i] Keenan glances over at Sera, still helping to hold back an obviously distraught Aloise. The ex-marine is staring at wardrobe in shock, hardly comprehending the events that happened. Protecting Liam had always been her mission, her top priority--and here she was, having failed at that task to the extreme. She knew very well that there was little known about those wardrobes. [color=00ffcc]"Do you hear anything?"[/color] Aloise finally asked Sera, referring to the angels the girl could hear. Maybe, just maybe, there'd be some sort of helpful discussion about the wardrobe and what to do....And although Aloise was oblivious to this, Sera would hear nothing. "Just agents, don't worry 'bout it," Keenan reassured Sera, though it was obvious he was lying. There was something about his contacts that he didn't want to share--but what? [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 2016[/color] - Cirque Anomaly[/b][/i] Before Lilith can find a source of water, she'll be pulled aside suddenly. She can make out the second string acrobats frantically working to put out the flames, and in the distance, Boris' cackles are continuing. Seems he made it out of the tent after all, and didn't simply do it as a suicide attempt. "This is why we need you to do this for us," a strong male voice hisses. It's the circus ringmaster--a former fire-eater who ended up buying out Cirque Anomaly ten years ago. He's stressed to the extreme, as is evident as he runs a hand through his hair and lets out a heavy sigh. "Use whatever means necessary to track Folly down and bring her home. She burns at midnight." [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 1929[/color] - Coventry Horrors, Attic[/b][/i] Folly looks a bit terrified and concerned as another person falls out of the wardrobe, landing onto the floor. Having never met Liam before, she didn't recognize the man. The girl gripped her shotgun a little tighter, prepared to make a move if needed. She allowed Eudora to do most of the talking, watching the exchange between the two of them silently. Fortunately, Liam isn't majorly hurt, and no one seems to have discovered the trio up in the attic. The sounds coming in from the window are the same as before, and no one else looks like they're stumbling out of the wardrobe. As Liam glances up from checking on his gun, however, Folly will have vanished. A glance over towards where she had been standing will reveal an open window, and if Eudora and Liam hurry over to take a peek, they can perhaps spot Folly moving quickly through the streets.