Truth be told, she was actually somewhat glad that the guards didn't allow Kyra and Orchid to leave. She hated to admit it but Parum was scared. She understood Kyra's fury but that blind anger was just going to end up getting her killed. If she can't realize that, than Parum needed to save her. The halfling wasn't even sure what Kyra hoped to accomplish even if they do kill some bandits or get one of them as a prisoner. They had a [i]dragon[/i]. They'd be lucky if the dragon gets bored and leaves. Sure these people must be led by a relatively more mortal person, but chances are they were also with the dragon. Just the idea that they had to fight such a terrible enemy made Parum quiver in fear. Which was all the more reason she felt more uneasy when Kyra left to find Escobert and get clearance through the tunnel. Parum had a lot of mixed feelings: she wanted to help but also not wanting anyone to die, as well as wanting to help Kyra save her village but also cease her bloodlust. Not helped by the others who seem all too eager to support Kyra's crusade against these raiders. Orchid was a bloodthirsty barbarian, Brannor seemed like an honorable knight, and Torag... Parum wasn't sure about Torag but he didn't exactly do anything to dissuade Kyra either. Either he supported Kyra's rampage or believes that their enemies were one they could defeat. Parum had her doubts. But she had to steel herself regardless. She has already come to terms that like it or not, she will be fighting for her life. And as scary as it was she couldn't back out now. Once they had permission to leave Escobert said something that caught Parum's ears. Apparently the raiders had a lot of interests in the mill in the village. Kyra seemed to describe it as a water mill which for some reason made Parum feel extra paranoid. She couldn't place her finger on why though. She didn't want to speak up in fear of coming off as a coward, especially after she told herself that she was going to fight. But something didn't feel right. Parum thought about it more and more but just couldn't shake the feeling she had. She thought maybe it was just the fear of the dragon still lingering within her, but something else worried her. [color=7ea7d8][i]"Our enemies... Aren't just raiders. There are kobolds too, being led by a dragon. A dragon always seeks treasure for it's horde so... So why a mill? Was it looking for food for it's minions? Would a dragon care? Or perhaps it's just the bandits looking for supplies for their army? And kobolds are cowardly but cunning. But not once have we run into any of their traps, which they're infamous for. And it's been some time too since we left the church, and no doubt they found the people we've killed at the back of the church. Surely they must know now that we're actively fighting against them from outside the keep. Falconmoon and the others were mostly just children and women, and none of them looked like warriors of any sort. They couldn't have escaped on their own, and surely the bandits know that. Not to mention that when the dragon had attacked the keep, it was only us that fought back. Even I insulted the dragon. So surely the dragon itself could recognize us, if not as a threat, then as people he would want dead."[/i][/color] Parum stopped in her steps shortly after leaving the keep. She looked around to the others. In her mind they were brave heroes. They were the exact type of people that are written into legends. Devout and stalwart, courageous and mighty. Even in the face of impossible odds they will continue to fight the good fight. And then there was her. The halfling who, despite their reputation for courage, wanted desperately to not fight. She wasn't a hero. She was a damsel in distress. She hated it but she knew it described her perfectly and guided her thoughts. Parum didn't take a step forward as she looked towards the others and spoke out, meek at first, but eventually loud enough for them to hear her. [color=7ea7d8]"W-wait... So what if... What if this is a trap?"[/color]