[quote=@Lady Amalthea] [@Oliver] Your character has been given plenty but the sickness it the only thing that ever comes up. Even with his design he shouldn't be that sick so often. He's been on meds since he arrived in Newnan and yet has just as much illness as when he arrived. Yes, it is your fault if your character doesn't progress. It's up to you as an rper to progress the character. Not mine, not anyone else's. Yours. People keep trying to talk to him, he gives short answers and the posts keep being the same thing - He's sick. That's on you. And why the complaints now? Ravi and Gavin have nothing to do with Newnan, Ryan and Chloe talking to each other, nothing to do with your character. Zoie and Richard didn't when everyone arrived in Newnan. Those are there for those rpers to push their characters forward. Without posting back and forth every day. And you got bunnied off screen because you were gone, that was done as a favor to keep you in the rp while you dealt with private matters. And when you came back you weren't even sure if you were gonna post. We weren't gonna keep having a character on screen that wasn't going to be posted. It's as simple as that. And yes, it is needed to read. It's part of Rp. Read first, then post. Doesn't matter if it never has anything to do with you character. Everyone reads your post even though they aren't responding to it, and they know what it will be - he's sick. But you don't hear them complaining. Cause that's your thing, you posted, they read it. [/quote] You really think I'm enjoying this, don't you? Believe me, I'm bored to tears with my own posts. I was actually syper excited for the day to be over so things could progress. Progress doesn't happen in 2 days of game time. I had no idea that it would be this slow (and that's not a problem in and of itself, it just means that the amount of things that can happen over a whole 5 months of real time isn't much, unless you're rushing things to a weird and unrealistic degree) I also misjudged the age range of the forums in general. A lot of you are about twice my age, or more. I wasn't expecting that. And yeah. I'm dealing with stuff. You know that. I'm trying to work with what I have, and yeah, most of the problems are either directly or indirectly my fault. But back to the original point, I have a problem with reading long texts quickly. 1-6 paragraphs is fine, 10 is pushing it, 15 and I'm staring at it for an hour. I had NO idea rp posts could even be that long. So yeah.make of that what you will