This is a major spoiler, but at some point later on in the timeline of my roleplay saga it will become possible to travel to other worlds through portals that go both ways, and the portals won't be sucking in energy from other worlds at dangerous levels. People can also travel through other ways of their own if they don't feel the need to use said portals. If you guys really wanted to go to other worlds then you can create a roleplay with a timeline that far in advance. It won't be necessary in most circumstances (if we want to go to an ice world, why not just go to the icy place in this world, for example?), but I suppose if some plots make it mandatory to take place off word then no sense stopping you then. If you guys like the sound of this idea then I'll edit in details to the OOC. Of course we'll have passed up the main plot of the main roleplay involving the saga by that point in the timeline, which will have been many years in the making, but we can always reference the past events vaguely so we don't have to know exactly what was going on during that time. We'll have become powerful enough to kill a God at that point, but maybe we go back to normal upon leaving that world.