[quote=@Rtron] MY BAD. LIZARD-LIKE LEMUR PEOPLE, GOT IT. So. You're saying, they need to be...uplifted into racehood. [/quote] For fate's sake my dude, they have been a sentient race since April last year as a reaction to Toun making the "fuck your portals to Arkon and Furls" ocean. There was a whole 5 posts arc involving one of those. Please read muh posts before swearing to mess muh stuff. (But really, if you want an idea for corrupted Quara Korala that isn't just an angry lizard, send me a PM) [quote=@Cyclone] [color=Pink]"I'm a bum that lived in his house for like 2 billion years free of rent but he annoys me anyways ~~~~~ ! Lalalalala come along my waifus and let us make gossip ~~~~~~ !"[/color] -Le Cyclone's masterful rendition of Ilunabar, Year 1 of Our Lord Trump [/quote] Oh boo hoo, Ilunabar sometimes gossips about the fact that you never know if Zephyron is farting near you, what a disaster. She didn't make a gigantic lewd space fetus full of things that want to eat your house. She didn't try to divide the house in two after disagreeing with your butlerboy. She didn't leave to make a "cooler Celestial Citadel" just to show up after eons with not gifts, but a freaking flamethrower to burn your gardens. She didn't fill her room with "a peaceful mist" and then proceeded to just chill there for a while with some winged people, like, whoa dude. She didn't fill half of the citadel with water drowning 90% of your pets. She didn't show up with her gang to send you on a forced vacation to "The land where time moves very freaking slowly".