[hider=Ronnie] [center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/21kbbyq.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170508/96fd187a1963228d43242aa7116e6579.png[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ronald "Ronnie" Pacheco Alvarez [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 18 [u][b]In-depth Appearance:[/b][/u] Tall and lean of frame, Ronnie stands at 6'2". His time swimming has kept him in shape, though he lacks the sculpted frame of his more hardworking teammates. He's of tan skin and dark eyes and hair. He keeps his black hair relatively short, letting it do its own thing except on special occasions. His resting expression generally leads people to believe he's more serious than he is. An illusion that is shattered to pieces the moment he begins doing anything. Ronnie dresses casually most of the time: short sleeves and tanks, hoodies, shorts and jeans. It's only on formal occasions when he goes all out in dressing up. He has a single tattoo he got the day after his 18th birthday. He has a stylized pocketwatch on his left pectoral which he sees as the beginnings of a full sleeve. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] The most noticeable thing about Ronnie is his enthusiasm for life. There is very little he does that he doesn't enjoy. He wants to get the most out of every moment, though that often means shirking responsibility for something more fun. Ronnie's also drawn to new experiences. He will be the first to jump at a chance to visit new locations, try strange foods, and try his hand at something he hasn't done before. Despite that, Ronnie lacks any singular ambition. While he has shown some talent at a few various activities, nothing has ever quite held him. He tends to drift between different projects. There's a part of him that fears he may never find a purpose. Ronnie is a people person and is good at helping people feel included and welcome. He remembers most people that he meets and can form a friendship rather quickly, though he does have those few people he values above all else. He's a bit of a charmer and a flirt, and tries to make friends with just about everyone. He thrives off the energy of other people and is at home in large groups, everywhere from an outing, to a party, to a game. While he is capable of holding a good conversation one-on-one, he tends to dominate a conversation in larger groups. While friendly, Ronnie can be a bit self-centered. If allowed, he will talk and talk, holding focus of a conversation on whatever he finds interesting. His friends mean the world to him and he thinks very highly of all of them. Where he may doubt himself at times, he has the utmost faith that they can do anything. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Ronnie and his older brother John were raised by a single father who spent most of his time working. John quickly took responsibility on himself, working had to both help raise Ronnie as well as contribute to the household in whichever way he could. In contrast Ronnie, generally took it for granted that his father and brother could take care of him. He was a rambunctious kid and though never a bad kid, he often got into places he shouldn't have been. He was a constant headache. At school, Ronnie was no different. He was well-liked by the other kids. The teacher's as well found him agreeable and friendly, if not a handful. He tried his hand at just about every extracurricular over the years, dipping his toes into music, sports, art, and other clubs. Apart from taking a liking to swimming, he never stuck around for long. He was an average swimmer with just enough talent to keep him on the team. It was a good time, but if he was honest it was the overnight trips and his teammates that kept him on the team. In this time he also found his friend group. As great as the swim team was, they were just fun to hang out with. His real friends, a group centered around Elizabeth, made him feel at home in a way few others did. Late night talks, internal and external crushes, failed relationship cheer-ups, late night rides home after bad decisions, video games, free tutoring, lazy Saturday afternoons. All that and more defined his high school years with these friends. He's well aware it's all about to change, and this summer his only goal is to usher in the new era with a bang. [u][b]Future Plans:[/b][/u] He's been accepted to a state school and deferred for a gap year. He's hoping to figure himself out in that time, maybe do some traveling [u][b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b][/u] [color=green]-Friends -The Outdoors -New Experiences -Swimming -Dancing[/color] [color=red] -Cold Weather -Snakes -People asking about his future -Buzzkills -Monotony[/color] [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] [url=https://youtu.be/6cameV3mPd8]Deorro - Goin Up[/url] FC: Caua Reymond [/hider]