Did y'all seriously think that Kat was just a crazy psychopath? (well... she kinda is a little crazy... and she likes to kill stuff... but that doesn't matter right now! :lol) HA! too bad! she is much more complicated than you might think! (Good luck trying to understand her though :lol) [color=gray]Weaknesses:[/color][list] [*] [color=ed1c24]Talk less, Act more:[/color] [color=gray]Ekaterine doesn't have patience for diplomacy and political discussions.[/color] [/list] And no. That doesn't mean she is dumb. That means that she hates politics, diplomacy, bureaucracy and such. She finds them overly complicated and unnecessary. [quote=@CollectorOfMyst] [@13org] But given that a target might be a sleaze or something along those lines, who's to say he or she doesn't have a dominatrix fetish? [/quote] Ekaterine, a dominatrix? maybe... :lol