[@Negatomsk] There are no contradictions, unlike the kind you keep spouting at me about not having an understanding about how the Beardforce worked before the fight. I didn't attempt to explain either, and I'm certainly more qualified to explain my own character to a judge than you are, considering how overpowered you keep implying Lobo is. I'll explain how my character works, and you'll quit trying to lie to my face, got it? Go read my last post, it explains all that is needed. And yes, Gonad is a melee specialist because he only uses melee in offense, DUH. Lobo may be 'good' at melee (though you personally suck), but he can still channel his abilities to cover a wider versatility of functions and ranges than Gonad. Because all Gonad does is fuck people up close, he's obviously superior in that regard. Oh wait, you're too stupid to have read my last post to see that I've already pointed that out. You're drastically exaggerating anything and everything to try and improve your argument, and asking the same shit over and over to stall. You NEVER said it was a condition to have no judge. All you said was that you'd have "preferred not to have one". 'Prefer' as a word does not imply the implementation of a strict condition, you logic twisting trash. Just to further drive the nail in, here's that proof of your bullshit again. [quote=@Doc Doctor] [@Negatomsk] It seems the core of your argument is that Lobo's costume can absorb and redistribute force. If that's the case, I do believe I'm justified in calling a checkmate, with all due respect. Keep in mind that the only description of Lobo's costume existing in regards to physical damage is a "heavy resistance", nothing about the mechanics of that resistance. Now, the heavy shit. Remember before our fight, you brought up my match with Sky? I told you in no uncertain terms that... Sky had kinetic dampening, absorbtion, and dissipation that was an explicit ability of his. I flat out told you that the Beardforce should have broken his bones anyways, so you can't claim that Lobo could have endured the headbutt. Like I said, I don't enjoy being 'that guy', but in a ranked match I'm plenty more strict. In every way, shape, and form, I have made it clear that Gonad isn't supposed to be fought as if he were a traditional martial artist. He's a physical monster, whose blows I have genuinely likened to swords and maces being used on a normal human in his profile. Lobo took the hit, and that hit is absolutely a knockout blow. [/quote] Now, keeping in mind the above, check this out. [quote=@Negatomsk] I mentioned that two of our members have beaten you, I never mentioned which two. You assumed I meant Sky, you assumed I'd read his fight, so don't go putting words in my mouth or knowledge in my head. [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] So you didn't mean Sky? Then by all means enlighten me. I'm genuinely curious. During my year and a half on this site, I've only ever lost twice, both times intentional. Sky was one of them, so prove me wrong. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Either way I mentioned Sky in the post immediately after the one where I stated that the Beardforce could break bones through such defenses. [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] I went easy on your friend, and accomodated him to an incredible extent. He'd have lost in a single action if I had been more insistent on the function of Gonad's beardforce. Broken knuckles from the blocked punch, a broken wrist from the awkward way he tried to block the bear slap. [/quote] [quote=@Negatomsk] Pretty big talk considering [i][color=ed1c24][b]two[/b][/color][/i] members of the alliance have already beaten you, with one having beaten [u][b][color=ed1c24]Gonad himself[/color][/b][/u], but keep talking. [/quote] [quote=@Negatomsk] Now truth be told I have seen [b][color=ed1c24]one[/color][/b] of your fights before, but that was only because you actively fought someone else in another thread I'd joined- [/quote] So, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, our little friend Negatomsk isn't just making excuses, he's outright lying, and very badly I might add. That other thread? The character used was the Magna Pater, not Gonad, as can be seen in the link below. Looks like Negatomsk's friends are every bit as slimy as he is, but keep in mind I never lost this fight. It was undecided because the thread ended due to the cancer. [url]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93584-dark-god-darko-welcomes-challangers/ooc?page=3[/url] So, yes. [@Negatomsk], I've been keeping track of your chain of lies.