[color=orange]"I dunno baby girl. The fellas are probably still hung over from last night. They might not even be awake yet. Maybe I'll just go to the local pancake place for breakfast. They know what I like and how I like it. Then possibly go down to the underside of the boardwalk to see if any of the gang is there. One things for sure Corinne, for me, a lazy Sunday is strictly a lazy Sunday."[/color] casually explained Rolo. [color=orange]"Alright little lady, let's split."[/color] Rolo announced. It was at the edge of Lovers Haven, at the start of the short woodland trail, that Rolo made an unexpected stop. For the more observant of people though, the stop was completely expected. Rolo hopped from left foot to right foot whilst holding his crotch when they neared the trail. [color=orange]"Excuse me baby girl but I gotta hang a leak. I'm just gonna go behind these trees here. We're not at the part of the relationship where you can watch. Well, not yet anyway."[/color] Rolo announced quickly. Before Corinne could say another word, Rolo bounded off into a thicket of trees. He stood behind a tree, making sure that it hid his modesty. He then dropped his trousers and let loose. [color=orange]"Ahh that's the stuff."[/color] Rolo said whilst he relieved himself.