[color=92278f][h1]Candlemon[/h1][/color] Vivi was looking around as he followed him. The digimon stopped as he noticed his human partner craning his neck to look into a tent manned by a Agumon. Trying to see more of his goods. [color=92278f]"Curious?"[/color] He asked him and Viv nodded. There was time to find the contact and hackers. So with that on mind he hopped closer to the trading tent that caught his partner eye. It wasnt that interesting, mostly some cloths, scarfs, coats, some food and a few jewelry. Some items looked old or second hand some hand made. Looking at Vivian he could tell the man eyes were all but glued to a necklaces. It didnt look all too special some orange stone with a few symbols carved on it. It shined pretty, but that was it. [color=92278f]"Like." [/color]He pointed the necklaces out, already deciding to buy it as a present for his partner. Maybe from his first payment on a real mission, not a training one will be enough. Tranning missions payed peanuts in his knowledge. Surprisingly enough his human lied. Shaking his head. [color=f7941d]"Nah, that girly I was checking out that cool coat."[/color] He wasnt, but Candlemon tilted his head. Not sure why he would hide liking it. Vivian had continued speaking even commenting at something that appeared to be looking as a strange plant. Candlemon wasnt paying so much attention to the waterfall of words. The only thing that mattered to him was that pointing out his partner likes made him embarrassed and prone to hide. Hidding was fun, so Candlemon didnt mind. [color=92278f]"Stay?"[/color] He offered to the human to check the place more thoughtfully, eyeing to get the Agumon attention at the trading post but Viv once more shock his head. [color=f7941d]"We shouldnt waste time. Lets go on" [/color] [color=92278f]"Sure."[/color] Candlemon accepted the end of their little break and made his way onwards. Only his human still had his eyes on the goods instead where he walked so he collided with another human. Huh? So humans tended to collide, an interesting observation. [b]"Ohh, you're human too? Haven't seen anyone today."[/b] The blond human spoke and Viv stared at him for a moment longer. Once more today his human shock his head and put on his pleasant mask, not before Candlemon studying eyes could spot the way Vivs eyes went from head to toe over the other human. [color=f7941d]"I am new to this actually, first day on the job. I came here with a group of other humans, half of them thought gave up and returned home. They are missing out big time, dont you think. " [/color] The flame looked up as he heard the others humans partner speaking, while the waxs body kept his eyes on his partner. GrapLeomon, level Ultimate, Attribute Vaccine, Family Nature Spirits and Nightmare Soldiers. A strong interesting fellow. The Niels human must been for a while a tamer to raise his partner like that. [color=f7941d]"Niels, thats a cool name. I am Vivian nice fancy meeting you. "[/color] Vivian offered his hand for a handshake and Candlemon hopped back up beside his partner. Noticing him, Viv added.[color=f7941d] "Oh and this is my digimon partner Candlemon. "[/color] At being introduced he gave a polite nod to the other two and turned his attention to his redhead. [color=92278f]"Like."[/color] He stated. He would have pointed to the other human but he was taught pointing at others was rude. His grin spread even wider as he watched how those four letter made his partner turn a funny shade of red. Even without obviously pointing at what he meant, Viv understood the object of his non existential sentences. It was great having someone who could guess what he meant. Viv took a breath and slapped him over his waxs head much to the digimon surprise. It didnt stop him from giggling. [color=f7941d]"Please ignore Candlemon he tends to say weird things all day long." [/color]That wasnt true, all he said were concret things, he had yet to try and play how much can I weird you out game. [color=f7941d]" Where were you going, if you dont mind me asking Niels?"[/color] Viv was a lot of fun, he liked his lies. He wasnt half bad at saying them. He kept smiling wide and opted for the moment to watch what will happen next.