[CENTER][i]Once, they were brothers...[/i] [IMG]https://www.frontlinegaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Tallarn-art.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [b]TL;DR Summary[/b][LIST] [hr] [*] Warhammer 30K, of course. [*] 31st Milennium, the Horus Heresy, an age of blood and temptation. [*] In the aftermath of the Istvaan Dropsite Massacre, some Astartes legions have turned against the Emperor of Mankind and wage war against him. In turn, some legions remain loyal. And within some traitor legions, there are individuals and units that break with their Primarch and fight for the Emperor. [*] Due to the requirements of the Great Crusade, detachments of these legions are spread out all over the place. During the atrocities that opened the Horus Heresy, there was fighting between and among these elements as loyalties are tested and divided. [*] Characters will be survivors of these various engagements, cast adrift from their parent units and forced to form an ad-hoc unit of Astartes together in common cause; loyalty to the Emperor. [*] These characters are from Traitor Legions. Dark Angels are a debatable item. I do not want to have Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels or Space Wolves unless someone makes a compelling case. Iron Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard were shattered at Istvaan and that means they could wash up in this, as hardened loyalist holdouts. [*] Non-Astartes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. [*] Characters have managed to secure the assistance of a rogue trader to get them to a planet with a rogue Imperial Governor that has access to planetary defense forces capable of carrying them into the battle against the heretics. [*] This Governor stands in their way. He must die. That is where this new crusade of retribution begins. [*] Please post sheets in the character tab for approval. That will have a titanpad template, please use that.[/LIST] [b]In Character Info[/b] [hr] [indent][I]The fratricide of the Horus Heresy sounds so precise and clinical in retrospect. A clean break, without loose ends. The reality is that the betrayal of the Emperor was not relegated merely to the legions whose primarchs turned, nor were all the Astartes in those legions traitors. There were many solitary acts undertaken that escape the historical record. All the same, it is a battle of brother turning bolter on brother. The Great Crusade sent detachments of Legiones Astartes, the Space Marines, into the far-flung corners of the galaxy. In these corners, as the events reached them, some reacted. There was bloodshed in the wake of the betrayal. Many were cast adrift. Even so, there are those that know their duty, and know what is coming. They are cast off, left to fight their smaller battles without glory. Some bear the grim knowledge that their progenitor has cast them out, and carry that burden with them into battle, fighting not for glory, but for redemption. One rogue trader, Balixus Kyros, manages to gather a number of these men into a group, though he cannot lead them. But he can help only so much. He can carry these warriors to the fight on the planet Argyos, where they can purge the traitor governor in the name of the Emperor of Mankind and begin to pay back their debts of fury and vengeance against the betrayers.[/I][/indent] [b]Out of Character Info[/b] [hr] [indent]Astartes of different legions, different outlooks and widely different stories. They are, of course, bound in one common cause, but they are otherwise thrown together in the chaos of a truly grand-scale interstellar war. This is meant to be an RP of individual characters struggling with the shock of the Horus Heresy's onset. We are after the events of Istvaan III and looking toward the battle of Terra. We will see how far the story takes us. 31st Century, of course. So no inquisition and psykers are not the norm. Chaos is not really something that is delved into in the Imperium and they still believe in the Imperial Truth. The Emperor still lives and these warriors of the Astartes are intent on their purpose of fighting his cause. That said, I am looking for characters that fit into this theme. Of course, there is a lot of temptation in the universe in a time of chaos and uncertainty. It's possible for the characters to carve their own empire or turn to Chaos and once again know the brotherhood of their legions. It's not too late to fall, [i]brothers...[/i][/indent]