Name: Lucia Dorret Race: Dark Elf Appearance: Lucia has rather dark skin and almost black hair. Her eyes resemble the color of a mud puddle caught in the shadow of a building. Her face is built like that of a stereotypical fantasy elf; a long face, a pointed chin, high cheekbones, pointed eyes, and a small nose. Lucia is rather tall and is very lanky, she is roughly 6'2". Her dark hair is cut very haphazardly and short, looking like someone took fistfuls of hair and chopped it off. Lucia has long fingers, good for playing piano, and they add to her spindly appearance. She is missing her left pointer finger, in a result of her near-death experience. She has very soft skin, clearly not hardened by hard work or battle scars. Dorret has a ballerina-like gait, she walks quietly with a straight spine, head held high. Age: 26 Former Proffesion: Thief, serving maid on the side. Skill: Archery. Personality: Lucia is constantly living in the "work smarter not harder" mindset. If she could do something faster by doing it dishonestly, she will. Her mindset might also be part of her slothfulness. She'd much rather sit than stand, walk than run, or starve for a few hours then go through the trouble of making a meal. If she was a common-day human being, she would've been diagnosed with ADD. She'll switch a topic at the drop of a hat, and is attracted to anything that gives off a faint shine or glow. It's actually so bad, she'll be in the middle of running for her life but will stop to grab a coin from a nearby box. Dorret has never liked the idea of someone's freedom's being taken away. If you can't do what you please, then what's the point of living? Lucia doesn't believe in Gods and all that nonsense, but she does believe in some sort of an afterlife. She has total faith in the existence of ghosts. Lucia, on one of her little 'adventures' through the richer building, encountered a very angry ice mage. What made him so upset was beyond her, but it might have something to do with his 'lost' items. In the middle of their meeting, the ice mage froze her to death. She was legally brain dead for a few minutes, leaving her with some brain damage. After the mage was captured and Lucia cooled off, pun intended, she figured everything was fine. That was until she started hearing voices and seeing off-putting images that were seemingly disregarded by the creatures around her, although this doesn't happen very often. Turns out she didn't just lose her finger to frostbite that day, she also lost her mind. History: Lucia, unlike the majority of dark elves in the city, lived in a rather nice part of the slums. At least, what could be considered nice. This was due to her adoptive family being human. If she had stayed with her birth parents she would not have seen the light of day. Dorret has three passions; archery, swindling, and books. Her father taught her how to take without being noticed, and she used the skill to help feed the family. Her mother, on the other hand, inspired her love for archery and reading. Lucia would save up some money she 'found'in order to do what she loved, and every now and then, buy a book. Although, it wasn't all fun and games. When she was about 25, she was caught red handed. The person she took from wanted to teach her a lesson, so they took out their anger on her parents, whom are assumed dead. Ever since, she was against people being able to do such horrible things when they want. Freedom is a wonderful thing, but when it's abused it can become extremely dangerous.