"[color=6ecff6]That.... should be enough to assuage my current worries about an impending techno-apocalypse on this ship.[/color]" Vella finally answered after a short pause, giving the towering Geth a quick nod and a grin, yet, couldn't quite hide a bit of uncertainty in her own expression. Phalanx was an odd deal! First and foremost, it was a synthetic machine through and through, with no visible facial features; nay; no face at all for Vella to read! That in and of itself was enough to put Vella immediately off balance, and left the Asari always unsure of what to say next. Granted, although it was a machine, some of its moving parts might be partly interpret as vague social features, like the way her optic moved and the plates around Phalanx's lamplight neck shifted and moved, granted the movesets themselves seemed simple and often very one sided, as if observing the gestures of a... child! And secondly, Vella had never spoken to a true AI. Sure, she had 'spoken' to synthetic VIs, but never had an ongoing interaction with an actual, real, self-aware and thinking A.I! How was she supposed to hold a conversation or find common ground with something that was in all reality just a cold machine with a brain consisting of a bunch of numbers?! "[color=6ecff6]I'm going to need a shower.[/color]" Vella said as her mind retreated from the difficult question of what it meant to talk to a computer, let alone what it meant to be self-aware, and instead towards her own body and attire which she smelled was in need of a nice cleanup after what had been a night out. However, the Asari would stop mid-step as she caught a glance back at Phalanx, whom seemed to be standing there idly by as the crewmates around it went their own ways. A rather awkward standing pose, the way someone stood when they had completely and utterly no idea what they were supposed to or could be doing! "[color=6ecff6]Say, uh, Phalanx.[/color]" Vella stopped, turning around to look back up Phalanx, now with a smile on her face. "[color=6ecff6]Are you a fan of drones & weapon tech in general?[/color]" She asked with a cheerful voice as she pointed back towards her original destination. "[color=6ecff6]I need to build some new drones after my old ones kind'a... blew up...[/color] " Awkward side glance... "[color=6ecff6]Say... wanna join me?![/color]"