[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5skeU8f.png[/img] [h3][color=CEF2FE]Reothadh[/color][/h3][/center] The second the lightning hit the tree, Reothadh knew exactly who was there. He had expected other players would be lurking around, but he wasn’t expecting this one specifically. Immediately he looked to the Ivory mage and told her, [color=CEF2FE]”You need to run, lass. Now.”[/color] There was a slight moment of hesitation, but ultimately the mage nodded before sprinting off full speed. And then he heard that word again. [color=CEF2FE]”Girlfriend? Seriously? What is with people suddenly thinking everything I do has romantic intentions.”[/color] he grumbled shaking his head as he drew his sword. [color=CEF2FE]”Whatever. I’m not here to fight you, Hothead. But if yer looking to have a round two, I wouldn’t mind evening up the score.”[/color] Assuming his battle stance, Reothadh waited to see what Burning Blossom would try first. [@KoL]