[h2][color=blue][u]Ariah Lusias [/u][/color][/h2][indent][h3][color=blue]Location: City of Solace - The Sun Sailor Pub[/color][/h3][/indent] [color=blue]"One time! One time is all it takes! You seem to forget the absolute shootout that came from that 'one time'! And who cares about the choker! People are weird, you know that. And yes, I am still upset about it."[/color] Ariah commented knowing full well what Kat was thinking in terms of this topic. It always went to the same place, Ariah being upset about that one time Kat's sadistic tendencies got him shot in the ass. Truth be told he probably would never let that go... Then came the story he could never forget. Mostly because of how many times she reminded him of it. It must have been her favorite of all time as he heard it in vivid detail damn near daily. Maybe he visibly rolled his eyes, maybe not. Really it was arbitrary at this point because she knew damn well that he knew this story by heart. One thing that could be said though was that despite all of their bickering and through their seemingly polar opposite views on everything, Ariah was dedicated to Kat just as he knew she was dedicated to him. They've just been through too much to have it any other way. Then she started talking philosophy and how war was natural. [color=blue]"I think we disagree. War isn't a part of the world. It's just that inside everybody is a little voice that wants to lash out. Doesn't mean that all of us gravitate to war and that our natural state is war. Deep down inside I know we have hate and a need to fight, but we also have that same need to be happy and find peace. After all if our natural state was to kill each other then how can we love and be happy? True war happens and so does killing, but if I was to just shoot somebody at random here it wouldn't be seen as normal or natural. I would have upset the peace and deep down inside that sense of happiness would go against that action. That's why I do this job, because while I fight and kill I strive for that goal. That one day we can all be happy and at peace with the world around us. I mean if I get paid along the way that's no skin of my back, but still."[/color] As Ariah continued to listen to her though the conversation started to change for the crazy. He knew that Kat was a little off but as she went about talking on her views and morals of killing his face contorted and shifted to one of almost quizzical wonder and sheer shock. One may think he'd have grown accustom to her special brand of psycho but after hearing her philosophy to her madness it was almost like watching a train wreck. He just didn't know how to respond to it. Upon her finishing though he had something to add, [color=blue]"It's not that I think you're a mindless, ruthless, psychopathic killer. It's that I think you're a very thought out, ruthless, psychopathic killer. Which I'm not sure is that much better... but hey, take what you get right?"[/color] Then came the gender politics, yet before he could form a response on that thin ice, a stranger came in and dropped the signal, getting a green cocktail and making it quiet known before heading away just like their vague and cryptic orders had said. Dropping the conversation rather abruptly he nudged Kat with a gentle poke before subtly gesturing towards the man with the green drink and nodding. They had their order, their signal, and now their next step. The only thing left was to wait a minute before Ariah stood up and started to casually walk after the stranger, making his way through the door to see what adventure waited for him on the other side.