I'm just gonna drop in my two cents on here as well. It is up to the player to develop their character(s) not the GM's or other player's, right now Ciel like Lady A has said been sick. He has had 8 months to get better, Ray lost his damn leg yet he isn't in bed groaning and moaning his days away in pain sure he has phantom pains like I had written for Sophia (missing the fuck out of her still btw). I had given you suggestions like a flashback post for him in the early days of the outbreak or pre-outbreak but that wasn't taken I did suggest more inner monologue but that was probably a bad suggestion on my part. So now onto the paragraphs for the collab, they are meant to be long as fuck to read, sure the writers get a little carried away but that is the fun part about writing them. And it is an easier way to develop relationships with other characters, and also to further build onto them as well. Like Morose and I have decided to work out a collab between Riley and Chloe, as kids around Ciel's age pretty much. Does it deal with the present much? Not really it is there to further add more to their backstory and their past. I don't bring my own personal issues, but I myself have a learning disability believe it or not and some reading comprehension issues, which is a reason why I go and reread posts every now and then. And when I'm writing up a post I will reread just about everything once more before the last update. By not reading everything you are screwing yourself over and possibly others if you miss an interaction with another PC. I fucked myself over with Maria's death by not reading, but I go back and have learned from that mistake and also laugh it off whenever its mention or brought up and I still get embarrassed by it but I have learned from the mistake. And being in this RP and other Lady A's RPs and joining the guild has helped considerably. Now as for having not enough time reading a full length collab, i'm gonna call bull and tough shit. I'm working six days a week (today being my only day off). Morose has finals week and is in uni and running her own RP, Sigil works his ass off at his job, Lady A running several other RPs on her own and has her family to take care of, Caits and Riv also in uni also pretty busy. RP's I get RL always takes number one priority over writing up posts it always will be. But we all as writers have set times from our busy RL schedules to escape and write here for fun. Lady A grants extensions whenever you truly do need this. You have the most freedom out of all of us, but then again I got no clue what goes on in your personal life. You had to leave for a week or something awhile back Lady A moved Ciel and Froggy off screen out of respect and shelve your characters there for now until you decided to come back. You came back Lady A has been working with you the last few posts since you came back. But its getting stagnant for you because Ciel is still being to sick, you as a writer have to flesh that out more. I call it the 'antisocial character bubble' to get him out of that it is all up to you, not us or Lady A to. I have had Meg interact with Ciel up until the point where Thana came into the picture all I got was barely anything from Ciel. Only suggestion, its okay to break slightly from character to have him interact with someone else as long as it doesn't change his personality or anything. If you want Ciel to be an antisocial outcast then that is on you, and he will be treated as such. Anyway bitch rant mode off now, washing my hands off of this. Sorry but not sorry