[img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/ed15/f/2014/349/7/7/character_design_by_pavellkid-d89xny9.jpg[/img] Appearance: She has a dirty-blonde ponytail that reaches to below her collar, tanned skin, and is short, at 5'4" She has dark blue eyes and a permanently tired expression. Name: Maria Abaroa Age: 16 Personality: Maria is a manic depressive in the best sense of the word. If she still had coffee, she'd chug it all day long, but instead she stays awake with scrounged caffeine pills and whatever chemicals she's cooked up to keep her awake. Somehow, she's avoided poisoning herself, although it's honestly a matter of time. Benzedrine is a favourite of hers. She's obsessed with improving the quality of life of the group in any way she can, which mostly ends up in her building everything the group needs, might need, might not need, and probably won't ever need. Whenever she gets inspired, she's off like a shot, fiddling and tinkering until she finishes her project, before heading back to her bunk and crashing and feeling sad. Biography: Maria calls herself a border hopper born and bred, but she's lived in the US for her whole life. Whilst both her parents were illegals, if she had wished to be, she could have applied for a legitimate citizenship. She never got around to doing so, what with the apocalypse sort of ruining her plans of any normal life. She grew up in a noisy, messy and pretty dangerous area, and she learnt a lot of things hands on. Her father was a mechanic, her mother a cleaning lady. One taught her metalwork, the other chemicals. She doesn't talk about them much anymore though, or her family, friends, school... Really, she doesn't talk about anything before she met the group. She has her reasons though. Relationships: They're all dead. All of them. She isn't talking about them though. As she's the most recent inclusion to the group, she hasn't made any meaningful relationships with anyone, but there's plenty of time for that to happen. What you originally brought: The JRS (Junker's Rad Suit.) It's a kitbash of diving suit, hazmat equipment and American football armour, minus the power. She constantly tinkers with it and tries to make it better, and most of the time the welder gets pulled out, it's to do something to the JRS. She has a car door shield for it, but rarely uses it and woe betide anyone who touches it. She calls it Jessie. Nobody knows why. Her machete. Nothing special about it; looks like it comes from an outdoors shop of some kind, although the red ribbon tired around the end isn't standard. It's a good quality steel blade, with a cutting edge that's still sharp and still painful. A bit grimy and a bit dinged about, but it'll cut a mutant to bite-sized-chunks if it needs too, and that's all she needs it to do. Welding torch and mask: She's rigged it to a car battery to get the power she needs for it. It's the crucial part of her constructs, and she's constantly looking for more juice to hook up to it. Doesn't really work that well, and she has to hand crank the battery constantly, but she'll take what she'll get. Really. The mask is a full-face UV job that prevents serious eye conditions. Skills: [color=green]Now We're Cooking With Gas:[/color] She's pretty handy with appliances and the breaking down and reassembling thereof. She has an axe made from a drying machine and a hatchet handle, for example, and has made a bed using parts of a car. She's also [i]constantly[/i] tinkering, unless she's being apathetic. [color=green]F in Chemistry:[/color] A lie. She was good at chemistry. Whilst the really serious stuff is too complex for her, she knows that rust + aluminium filings = explosives, and that you don't want to be caught unprotected when someone lobs a canister of 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile at you. She should know, she has some. Somewhere. She swears. Fuck it, she'll just make some more. [color=green]Step *Click* *Boom*:[/color] A slightly unhealthy love of explosives and the fact that she can't be everywhere at once means that she's make quite the set of traps. Like, a lot of traps. Landmines especially- she made one out of lego, a couple of shotgun shells and a microphone. [color=green]Waifish:[/color] She's short, does little physical activity apart from her surface trips, sleeps a lot, and weighs little. She doesn't need as much food as others do, full stop. [color=green]Power tools Are Never Dangerous:[/color] She's scary good with power tools and other gear you wouldn't expect a 16-year-old girl to be good with. Chainsaws, power drills, concrete cutters, blowtorches, and, of course, her welder. Shame there's so little power. [color=red]Fuck Off and Die, I'm Tired:[/color] To put it bluntly, she can be a massive asshole sometimes. Especially when she's tired, which is often. Because of this, she ends up swearing a lot, although after the apocalypse, nobody really blames her. [color=red]And There Was Much Rejoicing:[/color] She's seen too much death to give a shit about someone else loosing someone.Sure, she sympathises, but she's pretty harsh when it comes to death. She has empathy, it's just in a permanent state of torpor. [color=red]Waifish:[/color] Sure, she needs less food, but she doesn't exactly hit hard. Unless she uses her blowtorch, but then strength doesn't matter, as she gleefully points out. Before blowtorching your face off. Seriously, don't get in the way of that thing. [color=red]Sickly:[/color] Maria handles chemicals and materials that in a non-apocalyptic world would be used under much better safety precautions. Whilst her JRS has saved her from major radiation poisoning, she has skin and eye issues, as well as a nasty cough that sometimes crops up. Other: She has a bad tendency of slipping into Spanish whenever she gets angry, which means that she often speaks in an incomprehensible language (to the rest of the group,) for hours.