Julan was just as welcoming to Jatinha as Aurana was, though the Khajiit remained just as silent when sitting near them as she had been before. Still, she at least felt more like a part of the group. After Jatinha joined them, Aurana was quick to go back to her questions, so Julan tried to answer as best as he could. "The trees the Bosmer have aren't anything like the ones around here. They are giant. If you look up, they feel like they never end. And like my brother said, they can grow them into houses like yours. Well...they don't [i]look[/i] like your house, but they can be just as big. I don't remember exactly what they are." "The Bosmer call them graht-oaks." Ahnasha informed the children. "They are indeed a rather special kind of tree. Some of them are ancient; older than actual written history, some say. It wouldn't be as easy as a fireplace to burn some of them down." Noticing Fendros, Ahnasha stepped away from the others shortly after giving her explanation. With all that was happening, she certainly would not mind a glass of wine. Once she had her glass, she gave a light sigh. "I'm just really hoping this all ends well. I would say we got lucky when we met up with my family, and yours. I'm worried that kind of luck isn't going to strike a third time." She said quietly. --- "Are you...sure they would do something like that to her?" Kaleeth asked. Although she understood the kind of pain that Janius' parents might have felt at his loss, the kind of cruelty that he was describing was simply not something she could imagine a parent doing to a child. Especially their own child. She attempted to think of some kind of approach they could take to explaining everything to his parents. "Well...if the children really did encounter them like you think they did, then they probably would have gave them the same story they gave Aurana. You might try turning that story into some kind of explanation for why you ran away. The Penitus Oculatus are respected in the Empire, aren't they?" With Janius' last question, however, Kaleeth looked more confused than anything. "What do you mean, 'grieve for you'? What kind of idea do you have in mind?" --- Meesei lowered her head, breathing softly. "You can believe me, I know what it means to be burdened. Apart from Hircine himself, I am the sole and absolute authority over all of Tamriel's lycan clans. Not only that, but I hold authority over all who follow Hircine. And with that comes complete responsibility for them. Their lives have been weighing on my shoulders for over a decade. The lives of every man, woman, and child under my command could be extinguished by a single one of my mistakes. It is true that we face different struggles, but the magnitude of their importance is not entirely dissimilar. I believe I have come to know you in our time working together, Lunise, and I believe that your intentions have been to work for the good of your people. There are some who might join the Dominion or Empire for their own personal benefit, but I do not believe that is you. And that does not have to change, even with this knowledge. We now know that the Thalmor's leadership, in their misguided beliefs, are trying to bring an end to Mundus in the pursuit of their divinity. But, from what Areldril has said, only a small part of the Thalmor know of those plans. It might yet be possible to find a way to find a way to bring an end to the current plans of your leadership, and instead replace them with leaders that will actually work for the benefit of the Dominion's people. To actually serve the goals you have been told you were serving for your career as a Justiciar. And perhaps this time, be able to serve those goals peacefully." Meesei's tone and general demeanor was outright sympathetic by this point, and she could not say it was not genuine. Lunise had not historically been their kindest or most approachable of allies. She was arrogant, and thought herself as better than those she worked with. But, Meesei also knew her as someone who had dedicated herself to working for the benefit of her people, and that was something she could respect. With the rather alarming information they had learned from Areldril, Meesei saw the potential for change in Lunise. By any definition, this was a traumatic event for the Justiciar, and Meesei wanted to be there to help her make sense of it all. "I am by no means going to claim that it will be an easy task. It will be a challenge like none other you have undertaken, but do not underestimate the impact one person can have, even on such large issues. I think you are capable of it. I think you can be a part of a solution that will end up helping your people. But you should not try to handle it alone. Every mortal has their limits, and the kind of work we do...it weighs on you. It demands every last drop of dedication and effort you can give it, and it can destroy the sanity of a mind that is not prepared for it. I could not have come this far without the support of my friends and family. They have...elevated me higher than I could have reached on my own. I know you have resisted closer relationships in your past, but it may be time to allow some friends into your life. If you really do want to change the course of your nation, and indeed, to make sure your nation continues to have a course at all, then I want to support you."