"When you are the head engineer, you can make suggestions," Sergeant Belmont, "they won't do anything to that ship while we are on the ground. They are more interested in killing us, rather than destroying everything within five hundred yards of that ship. It's one thing blowing one up in the sky, it's another when you blow it up close to the ground." The older man raised a bloody hand and yelled, "we surrender! We concede!" "Cease fire," Sergeant Belmont yelled, "CEASE FIRE! All of you come out with your hands up!" The older man was assisted by his wife to stand while he held his shoulder. Terry, Babby, and Uncle Tim gathered with their family members, their hands in the air. Uncle Tim had a bullet wound on his stomach wrapped with some form of Corn Skin Bandage, and a second wound on his neck that was just a cut. Terry at some point must have gotten shot or perhaps helped in the patching up of Uncle Tim, cause there was blood all over his hands and face. Sergeant Belmont rallied his troops and had Snippy and another search their captives. The other two went into the farmhouse while he kept Natasha with him. On the return of the two searching the house, one handed Sergeant Belmont a folder of papers. "Whose Serenity and Gaz," Sergeant Belmont asked the older manas he read the paperwork. "They are my daughters. Serenity is gone away to college and Gaz is just a wee lass," The old Man said. "And where is she?" "We have them run and hide if there is an attack," he tried to explain before getting cut off. "Natasha, take these two and go find her," Sergeant Belmont said taking his pistol off his hip turning back to the old man, "Mr. Greskar, I don't like liars. You can either tell me where she is, or you will die when they find her." "You... won't find her." "We shall see..."