[@BubblegumQueen] if you need a different pic let me know. the only reason i didnt pick the live action version is cuz i like the look of the game one more. he looks too clean in the show. also i will probably fix the bio [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/sk2y5fdloeouzdvwgvn4.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Elijah McDonnell Nicknames: Eli, Mac, Jesus, The Director Age: 29 Personality: Eli is very creative, but nobody needs a creative writer in the apocalypse. He tries to be humble and sensitive and generous, but can be pushed into a rage by inconsiderate or selfish people. He has a certain self-hating thing going on, but also comes off as aloof to the point of conceited, but that's mainly because he's so introverted and spends all of his time in his head. Biography: Eli was in the military for 4 years and at the same time, he also tried his hand at filmmaking; his co-workers dubbed him The Director. He didn't like it but it was better than the usual nicknames. His parents always knew the end of the world was coming so they had basically made a compound where they stored food and stuff. Unfortunately, when the shit hit the fan, he was in NY visiting his sister. Now, he just wants to get back home to his parents and other siblings. Relationships: TBD What you originally brought: 9mm Beretta handgun, pocket knife, towel (don't panic... XD ) Skills/Abilities: Self-Defense (in the form of Israeli Defense Force martial arts and US Army training); psychology (whether you call it intuition, empathy, people-reading etc. he knows how to deal with individuals); driving (like, stupid-good. not The Transporter good, but still...maybe Drive good); leadership (mostly due to his military experience and knowledge of psychology, but also because he doesn't panic as much as most people do during conflict or stressful situations); inventory (did it for over 10 years). Weaknesses: Although great at reading people and handling individuals, he is terrible with groups or strangers who are overly aggressive; doesn't like conflict, verbal or physical; can get irritated or even very angry at people for being inconsiderate or selfish; overly nice and generous, even to his own detriment; a bit conceited; lazy when it comes to physical labor; is not very physically strong or fit; not a good runner. Other: Eli knows where his stash of real survival equipment is: NC. He has no idea how he's gonna get there.