[center][color=007236][h1]Backstage[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] Alex had spent more time thinking this through than most of his plans, although it was still driven by his baser instincts. For most of the show he'd been in the back rooms, telling people that he was working out, practicing what he called "it's Plyo stuff bro, next gen motions to build that fast-twitch fiber in your muscles". Really, it was a variety of jumps but it made him look like he was taking an interest in improving himself. Then he walked around, complained that he felt sore and loudly mentioned he was going to take a long shower while gathering up his dufflebag. Luckily, the showers were close to one of the exits, and the hallway got little traffic. He strolled leisurely towards the door with his dufflebag in hand and his hair conspicuously dry. Marshall was standing outside the door talking on the phone with his wife trying to get her to convince their daughter to not attempt to join the wrestling industry. This was a constant for his family and he just wanted to make sure she wasn't doing this because of him. That's when he heard the door behind him open. He turned to see who it was not expecting who he saw. Alex opened the door but immediately remembered he wasn't given the keys to one of the rental cars. Frustrated, he pulled out his phone began to schedule an Uber ride to the hotel. If he left now he'd have time to change and make it to the start of Drum and Bass night at the club. Alex was ready to live it up and put this night behind him. Maybe he'd even party hard enough to forget this moment the next day. He was staring at his phone and holding the door open, failing to notice Marshall standing there. Marshall lifteted his phone up and said, [color=6ecff6]"I'm gonna have to call you back later."[/color] He stuck his phone back in his pocket and walked up behind Alex. He put a hand on his shoulder saying, [color=6ecff6]"What is going on, son?"[/color] He had a stern face but his voice didn't sound at all judgmental trying not to get a bad response from the kid. He was startled when Marshall put a hand on his shoulder, he recovered his composure enough to say [color=7bcdc8] "I can't get a cell signal in this place, needed to step out for a minute to deal with something."[/color] It was hasty, but it wasn't totally implausible as far as explanations went. Marshall knew that it was very possible that he was telling the truth, but Marshall also knew that Alex had his bag with him. [color=6ecff6]"If there is an issue you know that there are a lot of people willing to help you out."[/color] At this Marshall eyed the bag before looking back to Alex's face. Alex didn't want to come clean with it, but he could maybe try to get some sympathy from Marshall with a good story.[color=7bcdc8] "Well, I'm trying to meet up with my friend that lives in this city tonight, but he was telling me that he had to change his plans. I know I'm not scheduled for the rest of show, would it be a big deal if I headed out early to meet him?" [/color] Marshall was a little angry at this but he did his best not to show it, [color=6ecff6]"No, it's isn't a big deal. Staying mediocre isn't a big deal either."[/color] He said those words with as much sarcasm as he possibly could. He then continued more serious this time, [color=6ecff6]"Look, you won't be in any trouble for leaving, BUT it makes it seem as if you have a lack of dedication. If you wanna leave then I can't stop you. But it is also highly unlikely that if you do leave that the higher ups will wanna give you a push. They want people to show how dedicated they are to this buisness. Those are the people who will get far here."[/color] Alex was annoyed by this advice, but it did make him think. [color=7bcdc8]"Look, I have a lot respect for you and the business, but things change. Dedication and loyalty are what every job wants, but being a wrestler in this era isn't just about showing up to a shift like a grocery store clerk. I know I'm doing well because I can hear the crowd react when I hit my spots, I can see all the retweets I get and all the gifs people make, and when I see them stop then I'll worry. If the higher ups don't see what the crowd sees in me, then I don't know what to say, but I might as well not worry and just give myself some time to chill."[/color] Marshall had a point, but he clearly had different view of the management team than Alex did. He didn't want to attack them blatantly, but a little bit of his growing frustration seeped through into the words he said. [color=6ecff6]"If you wanna go then get out of here. But realize that the amount of people who want to stand by you or work with you will dwindle each time you do something that shows you are just here for the fame and money. All the other wrestlers that are here that aren't apart of the booking tonight are either working out, preparing for future promos, or watching matches to learn what they could potentially do better. It has never been about showing up for a shift. It's about showing dedication and support. But since you're so set on leaving then get out of here. You most likely won't be here long with that attitude."[/color] Marshall started walking away towards the door, but he kept his ear open in case Alex said more. [color=7bcdc8]"I've been walking my path for a while now and so far it's led me from the trailer park to here. I ain't gonna abandon it just yet. I want to wrestle, I want to improve, but I also want to be my own man. I know you don't think much of me right now, but I hope I'll change your mind some day."[/color] After finishing what he said Alex walked on, out into the arena parking lot, off to meet his ride. There would be consequences for this, but Alex didn't have the mind to think about them right now.