[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A9Vw6CK.png[/img] [h2]Fuyuki Church[/h2] [@Beloss][@Cu Chulainn][@Moonlit Sonata][/center] The Boxzerker listened intently to the Ruler's judgment of the situation, and realized that, in his haste, he'd given the wrong idea. [color=tomato]"My summoner, Stirner Cartisius, was kidnapped, Mr. Overseer. This girl was, it seems, a stray Master who had only just arrived."[/color] Norton was not given suitable knowledge of magecraft to precisely describe what he'd noticed of his current Master, but the Ruler's words referring to the 'Berserker of the Einzbern' was something he quietly committed to memory. [color=tomato]"A monster snatched him right out of the hotel room, faster than my eyes could even process. I am not an expert in these matters, but does this not qualify as external interference, potentially by something quite dangerous?"[/color] Boxzerker waved one of his box-covered hands at the other pair. [color=tomato]"That is a Servant, so are you and I, that [b]thing[/b] was absolutely not."[/color] The pile of boxes shuffled and faced Ruler directly. [color=tomato]"You yourself just showed me you have at least some idea of what we're all up to at a given time, so if indeed there were no other Servants in proximity to the hotel I was summoned at, that is proof of an external intrusion."[/color] Nevertheless, he had to hurry, and had only bothered to clarify out of genuine concern for his summoner. [color=tomato]"Thank you, Mr. Overseer, I will be off. You two, I don't know who you are, but I'm forced to leave this poor lass here for now. Please leave her be to withdraw from this."[/color] The pile of boxes fell emptily to the floor, as the Servant within discorporated into spiritual form. [hr] He'd seen the way to the graveyard in-transit here, it in fact wasn't very far at all. Just [url=https://i.imgur.com/77Vrkhi.jpg]a small triangle of the forest[/url] was between the church and graveyard, for fairly obvious reasons. Yes, he could continue approaching, but he realized a crucial detail. The overseer had said that a Servant was about to be killed, and had been gracious enough to use a Command Spell to enforce the Master's survival. Keyword: ABOUT to be killed. If he arrived too soon, he could very well interrupt the battle, and end up at square one. Or worse yet, end up targeted while lacking a stable prana supply. This was a war, and Servants were supposed to die when inevitably killed, of course. It did not bother him to approach steadily and try to watch what was happening, discreetly tucked away in spiritual form while crossing the treetops.