[i][h3]Turyn[/h3][b]Kingdom of Lyranth,[/b] [b]Previously[/b] The air itself quakes, the ground beneath the party cracks, portions of the city disappear into a dark void while a single, ominous orb hovers high hung in the sky over the keep. The paved stone work of the roadways begin to crumble at the last edges of existence, leaving the five heroes standing a ways away before gleaming doors of ivory that sit at the very top of the stairs, what was once the entrance to the castle itself. Beyond the falling world, that which is no longer stable, other islands in time and existence made up of the realm seem to drift ever nearer toward the great annihilating sphere above; each piece of debris that falls up and into it only grows the frightening sight larger and apparently cease to exist. The capitol of Turyn is, in its essence, almost no more and certainly all of the world beyond it; all fallen into the Kingdom of Darkness. Multiple shadows creep in from the edges of the darkness, almost slipping down the stone steps before the heroes and manifesting in their faceless, emotionless forms. As with these creatures before, these ones seem quite small, but what is more troubling is that some tremendous black form has begun to seep from the very doors at the height of the stairs. Blotting out the lone ivory surface and their faint glinting of light, it begins to amass into a titanic being. Its immense, long appendages draw out and soon its roughly humanoid figure becomes complete, almost as though it were a man without decided features. It is perhaps the largest beast the company has ever seen, as large as a building and with dim, glowing eyes of purple that flare to life as they sweep over the decaying landscape and fall upon those last few sworn to the light. It reaches out with an arm and commands the shadows before it to spring to life. Almost within reach, the small hunched over beasts set about, ready to attack, their shadowy claws at the ready and their beady purple stare intensifying. Yet, without any word, the leviathan rumbles the air, shaking those present to their core in a manner that might suggest laughter and draws together its great palms, conjuring dark energy between them that flashes and pulses with purple lightning and fragments of the debris being sucked into the void. Casting some form of chaotic magic, one can only reason by its size the spell will have great consequence on wherever it might land. During this, debris of what little remains of the town continues to fly violently through the air as the world continues its methodical collapse into the sphere, the edges eroding away slowly in this process. Urgency, the need to reach the doors to banish the darkness back to wherever it has come from, is the moment. However, the grand arcanist Shujaat and the sorcerer Ruron to have joined the party here are nowhere to be found, perhaps lost to the darkness... ... but there is no time to delay.[/I] [hider=Effects] [b]Score[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xePv224cGzM]Light and Darkness[/url] [b]Map[/b] [url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/map.html#id=4370]Turyn's Keep[/url] [b]Initiative Order[/b][list] [*] Theodore (20) [*] Haemar (13) [*] Wick (12) [*] Thea (11) [*] Cesar (10) [*] Katia (9) [*] [i]Shadows (6)[/i] [*] [i]Dark Leviathan (2)[/i] [/list] A [i]Dark Leviathan[/i] appears at the top of the thirty-foot wide stairs leading up the keep, roughly one-hundred feet away. It is a [i]Huge[/i] beast of darkness and seems to be guarding the [i]Door to the Realm of Light and Dark[/i]; there are no edges on the sides of the keep now, only bottomless pit that keeps growing. The [i]Dark Leviathan[/i] begins to cast some form of large spell. Before the party could act, it summoned five [i]Shadows[/i], one adjacent to each member of the group. You know that [i]Shadows[/i] are [i]Small[/i], frail beings that attack in numbers with their claws. Five more [i]Shadows[/i] form on the stairs, ten feet away from Thea, who was heading the advance. If you have not already rolled initiative, please do so and find out where you fall in posting order. [/hider] [@Big Dread], [@Cu Chulainn], [@Gordian Nought], [@Hekazu], [@JBRam2002], [@Zverda]