Dracoon was in heaven, as the chaos commenced he and his goblins took whatever they could get their hands on. [color=f7976a]"It's not everyday that we get an opportunity like this, so make the best of it!"[/color] He shouted to the goblins that were making their way out with armfuls of loot. Only to dump them in a nearby stockpile and heading back into the fray. Of course there were those that were getting killed by being too abrasive and trying to mug some of the people that were running. There are always casualties in situations like this, Dracoon just had to be smart, take what he could carry and get out of their. He was able to get a his own armful of trinkets and accessories and was minding his own business when a soldier tried to come at him. He threw some of the trinkets into the soldiers face which made him place his hands up to protect his eyes and Dracoon kicked the main straight in the crotch, as the man fell to his knees he took the mans sword and threw it away in the crowd, [color=f7976a]"Hope you don't need that hahaha!"[/color] He laughed as he continued on. The chaos was in full swing and many of his goblin companions had now gone back into hiding since there was no longer a need to be around. Using the blood and fire in the people he summoned a [url=http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=393965]Goblin Warchief[/url], a [url=http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=366348]Legion Loyalist[/url] and after gathering more mana from the chaos he used one of his [url=http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=425918]Dragon Fodder[/url]. Two more goblins appeared in front of him. He then gave them the command to take hiding places amid the chaos and to only reveal themselves when he gave the word. He then continued to pillage whatever he could. A red aura then surrounded the area and the men began to cry in pain as they were burned, for some reason the elf was not affected by this and thanked the gods for his luck. He continued on to his drop off place but was met with a state, a women stood across from him and began to walk towards him very quickly, pulling a knife out of her boot. [color=f7976a][i]It must be the woman who started the whole thing,[/i][/color] he put together as he started to plan whether to run or fight. [color=f7976a]"Hold on there lady, now just because you stir up some shit doesn't mean everyone involved has to die, some of us live on the scraps of others, I should be thanking you, but now that you have that knife I would like to take it back."[/color] He said with his hands still full of loot. She got to a distance that was too close for comfort (4-5 meters), he threw the loot in her direction, [color=f7976a]"don't press your luck asshole! I haven't survived this long with just my good looks you know! If you want a fight well then you got one! (Unless you start winning then I am getting the hell out of here)[/color] He yelled, whispering the last part under his breath. As he spoke he laid down his chains and placed a straight line in her direction and began to spin, kicking up dirt with the chains and making it flow around him, he did this until a veil of dust flowed around making it hard to clearly see him. The whole time paying attention to the line, and when he last saw it he began using his momentum and threw his left chain out towards the line using it as his marker. The force and speed of the chain was great and shortened the right chain, but kept it spinning in the case that she dodged the throw.