Alright, so first IC post is up. So what has happened thus far, before the present time, is that your character has already passed all the tests of the people who appear before the Hunter Exam even starts. Then your character also passed the test of the Navigator, a person hired by the Hunter Association who actually knows the exam location and can point you to it. If you remember, only like 500 people make it to the actual Exam site, this is because of these pre-exams. If you passed your Navigator's test with flying colors, they will have given you a VIP card to the Hotel's 101st floor which is where the true Exam will start. Each Navigator only has 1 card, so they have to give it out wisely. You may make up the tests that you faced before the Hunter Exam or just be vague about it and pretend your character faced some great trials. Now, as for making it up to the 101st floor. You can sneak up there, but there'll be guards with swords and guns. You can buy your way up there with the equivalent of 1 million USD. You can also just say your Navigator gave you the card. EDIT: It's getting really late. I was intending on making a GM post (not from my character's perspective) to show what's up top, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.