[h1][color=firebrick]Yuuhei Seiho[/color][/h1] Saturday Morning – Newspaper Club Room? [hr] [color=firebrick]”Eh?”[/color] the noise escaped him almost involuntarily, as while Natsumi’s question seemed quite innocuous, it was actually quite the bureaucratic conundrum for the president. Yuuhei scratched the back of his head sheepishly, as he didn’t actually consider what position the girl could potentially fill when he accepted her application. They had plenty of writers and the president served as the main editor for the paper, so saddling her with either of those jobs seemed like a waste of resources. But at the same time, the white haired girl certainly didn’t seem to be the type to be jump at the chance to be an interviewer, but maybe she would continue to surprise him? That sounded too hopeful, even to Yuuhei, and part of him was honestly worried that he might scare her off yet at this rate. Thankfully, reality decided to relieve the president from his unenviable positon for a bit and went on break. In the blink of an eye, Yuuhei found himself in a place that looked remarkably similar to the Newspaper Club room that he knew and loved, but with some key differences that made him feel all kinds of unpleasant. The first, and perhaps most obvious, thing that he noticed was off had to be the monochrome palette that the world had taken on. The change was so sudden in fact that the blond actually thought he had found a way to turn off the rods in his eyes, but a quick look at his own hand quickly informed him that was not the case. Next was the eerie screaming, which he could not even come close to estimating an origin of no matter how hard he strained his ears. Not that he was entirely sure that he wanted to find out what was making it even if he could. And then of course there was the odd patch of color on the wall, which was almost a relief until he realized it was a viscous red. Needless to say, that little fact did nothing to settle the guy’s nerves. Speaking of which, unnerved was an incredibly good word to describe the president’s current state. His mouth had gone annoyingly dry. At some point his hands had balled themselves into tight fists. It was difficult to make out his own thoughts between the constant screaming and his own pounding heartbeat. Saika was gone. Wait, where did she go? A lot more questions poured in, all doing their utmost to grab his attention, overwhelming him and threatening to throw him into a panic. Yet… underneath it all was a part of him that couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of getting to the bottom of this ridiculous situation. [color=firebrick]”Yuuhei is fine,”[/color] the president replied reflexively with an almost robotic tone, momentarily not even fully registering that someone had called out to him. It was, however, thankfully enough to pull him back to whatever deranged interpretation of reality he found himself in. His eyes refocused and for the first time he noticed that Natsumi was still with him. As their eyes met, there was an attempt made for one of his usual smiles, but he could tell it wasn’t as convincing as he would have liked. [color=firebrick]”I’m fine now,”[/color] he reassured the first year, wishing that circumstances were just a bit more relaxed enough to allow him to poke fun at her bright red face. [color=firebrick]”You wouldn’t happen to know what exactly we got caught up in, do you?”[/color] [hr] [@SMS]